Sleepaway In A Sewer Pipe At Dasparkhotels in Austria And Germany » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Sleepaway In A Sewer Pipe At Dasparkhotels in Austria And Germany – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Sleepaway In A Sewer Pipe At Dasparkhotels in Austria And Germany


Das Park Hotel was designed by Austrian architect and designer Andreas Strauss , and it is located in Linz, Austria. From inside, “rooms” have been humanized by Austrian artist Thomas Latzel Ochoa, who painted illustrations on walls. Hotel is open from May till October.


While the idea of sleeping in a pipe might not immediately connote luxury in your mind, this hotel design turns concrete pipes into quite the comfortable space for your next overnight stay. Almost like glorified camping, the DasParkHotel is a series of individual hotel room pipes, set on a beautiful flora-filled backdrop just steps from the Danube River.


“The external simplicity surrounds an unexpectedly comfortable interior” as each pipe is outfitted with a bed, lighting, and other furniture, with bathroom and restaurant facilities shared in a public space. And what’s more, DasParkHotel obtains sanitation and other hotel facilities from existing public infrastructure, allowing them to operate on a “pay as you wish” system in which guests pay only what they can afford or wish to contribute.


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