Some Of The Best Creative Packaging Design You Shouldn’t Miss – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Some Of The Best Creative Packaging Design You Shouldn’t Miss

This product has been made in the packaging class and for the contest «Young Package 2011» which theme was: Packaging of a national product. The peppermint reminds us of our grandparents who ate these infamous candies without the help of their denture. This is were comes the idea of unwrapping the product by tearing the teeth apart. This humoristic packaging requires very little glue, cardboard and a small recyclableplastic wrap. This project has also received a mention in this competition, as well as projects with other students at UQAM in the winter semester 2011.

“Introduction to knitting kit. I used the source of wool yarn, sheep, to promote the products by using the product and representations of sheep to catch the eye and get people interested in yarn craft.” – Gwyn Lewis

St. Stephen Hair Accessories Packaging Design. Designed by Prompt Design.

Light bulb package inspired by ice cream.

Butcher’s by Kei Meguro

Butterfly Tea by Yena Lee

This is the day and age of packaging! Quality products do sell well, but to give them that creative edge, they need to be packaged well. For example a great tasting tea will always be bought, but if it’s sold as cleverly packaged as this butterfly tea bag, then you give it that creative edge to be bought by the curious minds and impulse shoppers.

Ginnova: LightBulbs Packaging

“Created a new brand and packaging. Main Objective is to create a eco friendly packaging for minimum group of 4 lightbulbs.” – Jiun Bao Law

Microgarden Kit

“We teamed up with the Berlin-based indoor farming start up INFARM to develop a never-before-seen indoor growing kit – so anyone can grow their own microgreens at home. The Microgarden kit contains a reusable and renewable sheet of plastic which folds into a self-contained greenhouse. The Microgarden uses transparent seaweed based agar-agar gel as a growing medium, and it has many benefits. It allows the Microgarden to remain self-contained – which means you will never have to water the microgreens. Their roots absorb moisture from the gel. The clear gel also allows the home-farmer to see and experience the whole growing process, from when the seeds sprout to the roots growth. The greenhouses’ walls cut the agar-agar gel in to six slices of still living greens. So you can choose to have only one slice or to put the whole greenhouse directly on the table to serve from.” – Tomorrowmachine

Pietro Gala pasta.

“The original Retro oven cupcake box that started a trend! Included in the kit you’ll receive printable templates for SIX retro oven colors, removable cupcake tray template, cupcake flags with text you can edit right in your PDF (no special software needed!) and darling little oven mitt gift tags to add that finishing touch to your ovens!” – Claudine Hellmuth

“Starting with the phrase “draw me a sheep” of the “Little Prince” by Saint-Exupéry, I chose to work on a box of cotton swab.” – workshop packaging with Sylvain Allard and Annette Lenz.

“Here’s a simple concept, but has come a long way. This is the concept of Noémie Cotton in my packaging course in 2007. Noémie explores the user experience with a double bag for peanuts witch allows shells disposal. This concept has won first prize at the Young Package 2007 competition in Czech Republic.” – Sylvain Allard

Fish, Bird, Dog & Cat is a line of animal food/candy. Organic food/candy which comes in a packaging with little windows. So you can easily see what product youre buying for your pet.” – Sara Strand

“Tiny cellophane packet achieves a surprisingly effective illusion: transforming its contents — (two gum-ball shaped candies) — into a miniature Maneki Neko.” – Lucky Cat Candy Packet by BEACH

Heinz’s Tomato Ketchyp Lollipop by Martin Beinhauer

Paint brush-like socks package ‘Socksraw‘ by Leejiye from Korea.

The ‘note’ earphone packaging is a really creative concept. Its clean, to the point and we love the way this is cleverly packaged to visually communicate the product use. However, we can clearly see problems with the packaging, which is to be expected as this packaging is student concept work and would need refining before hitting the shelf. The most obvious problem being potential product and packaging damage as well as theft. But as a concept it has Legs. via

“In today’s hair care accessories market the level of competition is high. For a brand to standout from the crowd, it needs to be unique and able to differentiate itself from the competition. St. Stephen is a brand new hair accessories line carrying products such as bobby pins, elastics, hair pins and head wraps. The most popular products are bobby pins and elastics. The principal of this collection set is to use packaging design and simple arrangement to appeal to different segments of consumers. Matching the functionalities of bobby pins and elastics with design characteristics that resinate with the target market generates a huge impact on the shelf and make a sale more likely.” – Prompt Design

“I thought I was being a miser, but in all honesty I cut open the end of my toothpaste tube to get to the last wee bit of paste. Call it conservation or being stingy but that’s what I do. So I totally identify with the Thrift Toothpaste package design and hope someone like Colagte or Crest adopt it! It will save me the trouble of hunting for scissors… I’ll just tear open the rear end!” – In Case Of Emergency Cut Toothpaste by GUO Lili via Yanko Design

“Chocolates like a set of oil paints. Tubes in a box of paints contain a variety of colours, and these chocolates a variety of flavoured syrups. The labels indicate each chocolate’s flavour and also function as wrappers, keeping fingers clean for eating. A design that combines the childhood excitement of opening a new box of paints and the thrill of opening a box of chocolates you’ve been given unexpectedly.” – chocolate-paint by Nendo

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