Unleash Your Inner Mermaid With This Cozy Fish Tail Blanket – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Unleash Your Inner Mermaid With This Cozy Fish Tail Blanket


Whether you’re splashing around in tropical waters or sunbathing on rocks, channeling your inner mermaid is easy peasy in summer. But as temperatures plummet, how can fish-tailed folks keep cozy?

Worry not, you can nab yourself a snug mermaid tail blanket.


Handmade by crochet artist Melanie Campbell, these colorful knits will brighten up any gloomy winter day.


They come in adult, toddler, and children’s sizes and are available in girly pink or a fetching aquatic blue.


From $112, you can indulge your mermaidy dreams — or just keep your tootsies warm when you’re watching Netflix.


There’s currently a hefty waiting list for the tails, but if you’ve been looking for something to go with your shell bra and seaweed wig, head to CassJamesDesigns Etsy store.
h/t: pulptastic