Shooting For New “Bavarian And Austrian Farmer Wives” Calendar
AFP / Christof Stache
Six Bavarian and Austrian farmers wives have swapped their overalls for sexy sportswear for a new raunchy calendar that will be published in autumn 2017. Models Caroline, Sofia, Elena, Viktoria, Daniela and Veronika were all happy to get mucky at a farm in Apfeldorf, southern Germany, and sport gym kit for the ‘crossfit on the farm’ theme.
h/t: thesun
AFP / Christof Stache
AFP / Christof Stache
AFP / Christof Stache
AFP / Christof Stache
AFP / Christof Stache
AFP / Christof Stache
AFP / Christof Stache
AFP / Christof Stache
AFP / Christof Stache
AFP / Christof Stache
AFP / Christof Stache