Super Dad Turns Cars Meant For Kids Into Something Straight Out Of Mad Max
Ian Pfaff
Mad Max superfan Ian Pfaff, of Glendale, California, was inspired to make Mad Max mobiles for his kids, Junior, 2, and Benji, five months. Ian — who is a director by day and makes props in his spare time — started with classic Little Tykes Cozy Coupes. Then added everything from old computer parts to pieces from an expresso machine.
h/t: buzzfeed
Ian Pfaff
It’s safe to say that these kids are ready for the apocalypse.
Ian Pfaff
Ian Pfaff
Ian Pfaff
Ian Pfaff
Ian Pfaff
Ian Pfaff
Ian Pfaff
Ian Pfaff
Ian Pfaff
Ian Pfaff
Ian Pfaff
Ian Pfaff
Ian Pfaff