You Can Sleep In These Owl Cabins In France For Free, And Their Interior Is As Good As Exterior – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

You Can Sleep In These Owl Cabins In France For Free, And Their Interior Is As Good As Exterior

Bruit du Frigo

An adorable cabin built to resemble three forest owls is now ready for campers in the Bordeaux region of Southwestern France, and it costs absolutely nothing to stay the night. It’s part of an initiative encouraging city dwellers to get off the grid and experience nature, and we can’t lie – we’re dying to go for it!

The plywood shelter contains three floors, circular white beds, and an adjoined boardwalk overlooking nearby wetlands. Dubbed Les Guetteurs (“the watchers”), the timber strigidae were designed and constructed by contemporary art producer Zébra3, a project commissioned by artist-architect collective Bruit de Frigo as part of their Refuges périurbains (“peri-urban shelters”) campaign.

More info: Les Guetteurs, Zebra3 (h/t: boredpanda)

Bruit du Frigo

Bruit du Frigo

Bordeaux Métropole

Bordeaux Métropole

Bruit du Frigo

Bordeaux Métropole

Bordeaux Métropole