Rive Roshan Creates Future Botany For Travellers To Experience At The Hyatt Regency Amsterdam – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Rive Roshan Creates Future Botany For Travellers To Experience At The Hyatt Regency Amsterdam

For the Hyatt Regency hotel, in the heart of Amsterdam’s lush Plantage neighbourhood, Rive Roshan envisioned a fantastical future for botanics. Through their work, visitors to the hotel–engrossed business travellers and bustling tourists alike–are whisked away to a dreamy and dynamic botanical world.

Drawing from history and the hotel’s location–just steps from the Hortus Botanicus, one of the oldest Botanical Gardens in the world, which possesses plant species from around the world–and projecting that revered, exotic experience of plant life into the future, the studio conceptualised dramatic, theatrical artwork for the hotel.

Rive Roshan is an experimental design studio working on the cusp of graphic, interior and product design. The studio is run by Dutch designer Ruben de la Rive Box and Iranian-Australian designer Golnar Roshan.

Rive Roshan’s work has been on show at Les Musée des Arts Decoratifs Paris, Powerhouse Museum Sydney, Shanghai Museum of Glass among a range of Design exhibitions around the world including Milan Design Week, Maison & Objet, Istanbul Design Week and London Design Festival.

More info: Rive Roshan

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