New York’s Touristy New Public Space Is A Giant Endless Staircase – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

New York’s Touristy New Public Space Is A Giant Endless Staircase

Photograph Courtesy of Related-Oxford

Where the High Line ends and Midtown begins you will find Hudson Yards, the largest private real estate development in US history.

The extraordinary centerpiece of Hudson Yards is its spiral staircase, a soaring new landmark meant to be climbed. This interactive design piece was imagined by Thomas Heatherwick and Heatherwick Studio as a focal point where people can enjoy new perspectives of the city and one another from different heights, angles and vantage points.

Comprised of 154 intricately interconnecting flights of stairs—almost 2,500 individual steps and 80 landings—with nearly one mile of vertical climb above the Public Square and Gardens, this landmark will offer photo opps galore.

More: Hudson Yards, Heatherwick Studio h/t: twistedsifter

Photograph Courtesy of Related-Oxford

Photograph Courtesy of Related-Oxford

Photograph Courtesy of Related-Oxford

Photograph Courtesy of Related-Oxford

Photograph Courtesy of Related-Oxford

Photograph Courtesy of Related-Oxford

Photograph Courtesy of Related-Oxford

Photograph Courtesy of Related-Oxford

Photograph Courtesy of Related-Oxford

Photograph Courtesy of Heatherwick Studio

Photograph Courtesy of Heatherwick Studio

Photograph Courtesy of Heatherwick Studio

Photograph Courtesy of Heatherwick Studio