Artist Creates Modern Landscapes In His Unique Abstract Style – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Creates Modern Landscapes In His Unique Abstract Style

Jason Anderson, from Dorset in England, began his art career working on restoration projects like York Minster, Gloucester and Wells cathedrals as part of a stained glass apprenticeship. These famous old cathedrals boast some of the world’s most intricate and beautiful stained glass in the world, so it is no surprise that Jason’s paintings take some inspiration from their kaleidoscope of colors and shapes!

“I left school at 16 and started my art career as a stained-glass artist – where I served under the renowned (stained-glass) artist Roy Coomber for 5 years,” Jason explained to Bored Panda. “The restoration work forced me to experiment with many different styles, while the design work taught me to compose a subject around very defined slabs of glass (i.e. color). This imprinting had a huge influence on the way I see things and probably goes some way to explaining why I paint the way I do today.”

More: Jason Anderson, Instagram, Facebook h/t: boredpanda

“It was convenience initially took me into the stained-glass field. The stained-glass studio was just around the corner from where I grew up… so when it became my placement as part of a technical illustration course – it was a no-brainer. However, I soon fell in love with the environment and work and really enjoyed my time there. It was a delight to follow my watercolor design all the way through to the installed church window – with the light beaming through it.”