Isolation: Russian Photographer Captures Fabulous Photos Dedicated To Self-Isolation
Everyone deals with a critical moment in life differently. But there is something that unites all of us in face of the problem: the feeling of loneliness, and isolation, the dependance on gadgets and uncertainty.
Through the series of her work the photographer from Moscow Kristina Makeeva (previously) is aiming to show how it feels for the artist to go through this journey. During the pandemic every person go through creative ups and downs on a daily basis.
Art-therapy is something that millions of people around the world turn to searching for the motivation to deal with stress.
Photographer Kristina Makeeva (aka Hobopeeba) from Moscow is trying to show her viewer the beauty that surrounds us every day in the simple things around. Her photos are warm, fabulous, and full of wonders. Her slogan is: Today isn’t just another day. Today I’ll create something beautiful.
More: Kristina Makeeva, Instagram, Facebook, Behance