An Instagram Account Dedicated To Japanese Walls – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

An Instagram Account Dedicated To Japanese Walls

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It’s a common adage that often rings true, especially depending on your background. Walls, for example, don’t immediately come to mind as a thing of beauty. And thanks to a certain president, they don’t exactly have a great connotation right now. But none of that stopped one Instagram user from spreading his love for walls across the Internet.

Roughly 8 years ago a Japanese designer who goes by the name “The Wall” (ザ壁) began posting pictures of walls with the hashtag #ザ壁部 (The Wall Club). And with a community of users larger than most countries, the designer quickly found a following: like-minded photographers who equally took pleasure in walls. There are plain walls, dirty walls, old walls, walls with piping, walls with windows and walls with no windows. In fact, flipping through all these walls, it’s not difficult to begin to see the aesthetic qualities of walls.

More: Instagram h/t: spoon&tamago

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