Every Year, Graffiti Artists Turn This Traffic Circle Into Amazing Legal Art Murals – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Every Year, Graffiti Artists Turn This Traffic Circle Into Amazing Legal Art Murals

Graffiti artists are looked down upon in most places throughout the world. Graffiti is considered a nuisance and can cost businesses quite a bit of money to fix. However, the world is considered a canvas to many artists, so they continue to create these amazing illustrations wherever they can, even if it’s illegal.

In Eindhoven, Netherlands there is a place called “De Berenkuil”, which translated into English means “Bear Pit”. This place is actually home to a massive amount of legal graffiti art. Artists come from all over the world to display their talents on the walls of this giant traffic circle. There is even a festival held every year called Step In The Arena which celebrates the amazing art these innovators create. Some of this artwork truly is awe-inspiring and truly incredible. Check out this insane legal graffiti art!

More: Step In The Arena, Facebook h/t: buzznicked

This is where the artists conduct their work, in the middle of a big traffic circle:

Artists come from all over the world to display their work on these walls:

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