This Middle Finger Halloween Mask Might Be The Ultimate Costume For 2021 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Middle Finger Halloween Mask Might Be The Ultimate Costume For 2021

“No one cared who I was until I put on the mask”. Such is the case, when you slip on this giant middle finger mask which perfectly captures how most of us feel about 2020 and 2021.

More: Amazon h/t: sadanduseless

It’s made from 100% latex so it should be dried, turned inside out and wiped down with a damp cloth before using for the first time. It will also give you some time to reflect on your life and decisions that led you to buy this thing in the first place. Maybe you don’t need this mask? Maybe you need some therapy?

In case you are absolutely positive that you want to spend your money on this creepy thing, you can get it on Amazon. Jeff Bezos will be happy to get some extra funds from you for his next space flight.