A Photographer’s Backdrops Move to The Foreground – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

A Photographer’s Backdrops Move to The Foreground

Photographer Katherine Anne Rose found her Glasgow studio filling up with rolls of coloured backdrops. She began layering the coloured backgrounds pinned up on her studio walls, cutting them into grid formations, snipping and layering.

“What I do with this paper doesn’t really have a name,” she says. “It’s not origami and I struggle to even say what these are… so I call them ‘paper works’.”

Bridget Riley is a huge source of knowledge and inspiration for Rose’s art, as well as Islamic geometric design. “It’s a long, slow process, which is meditative,” she says. “I find making them very peaceful and I hope this is reflected in the pieces themselves.”

More: Katherine Anne Rose, Instagram h/t: guardian