Dystopian Tokyo at Night in Captivating Photos by Takaaki Ito » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Dystopian Tokyo at Night in Captivating Photos by Takaaki Ito – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Dystopian Tokyo at Night in Captivating Photos by Takaaki Ito


Exploring a city can be uniquely insightful through the lens of photographers who traverse its streets at night, capturing stunning and spontaneous images.

Takaaki Ito, known on Instagram as @301_2015, delves into the urban landscape of Tokyo. His photography is distinguished by a cyberpunk style and is saturated with neon lights. Takaaki captures everything from towering skyscrapers to narrow alleys, offering a vivid portrayal of the city’s dynamic streets.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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