Jennifer Dunn’s Hilarious Heartwarming Watercolor Paintings Of Sassy Animals With Pop Culture References – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Jennifer Dunn’s Hilarious Heartwarming Watercolor Paintings Of Sassy Animals With Pop Culture References


Jennifer Dunn, the artist behind the Instagram account Mossy Hollow, characterizes her work as “Watercolor meme art,” a distinctive blend of pop culture references and whimsical animal portrayals.

Her creations are designed to evoke a sense of connection and relatability, featuring anthropomorphic figures that express emotions such as righteous indignation, frustration, and affection while navigating life’s absurdities. Dunn aims to engage with audiences on a profound emotional level, utilizing the combined impact of imagery and language to convey her artistic vision. By merging visual and textual elements, she seeks to foster a shared understanding that resonates with individuals from varied backgrounds. Her art serves as a medium for cultivating solidarity amidst the complexities of modern life.

“Daydreaming and connecting with people are both very important ingredients to my artistic process. Most of my best ideas bubble up from conversations with family and friends and allowing my mind to wander while my body is doing menial tasks like preparing food, folding laundry, or walking in the woods. I’m lucky if I can catch and land even a fraction of them in a sketchbook or a quick note on my phone, and even fewer make it to paper,” she told Bored Panda.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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