Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007 - Page 395

Apocalypse Kowloon: The Dystopian Art Of Nivanh Chanthara


Nivanh Chanthara is currently a concept artist at Eidos Montreal, working on undisclosed next generation projects. You may (or may not) know him for this conceptual work on Eidos’ critically acclaimed smash hit Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Continue reading »

Californian Inventor Spends Millions Creating One-Off Camper Van To Take His 4YO Daughter Around The World


Are you a fan of camping? Ever set off on long scientific explorations? Do you have a general disdain for refilling your fuel tank? Well, have we got the expedition vehicle for you. This is the KiraVan, a formidable off-roader engineered from the ground up to do one thing – get you (and your stuff) there and back. Inventor Bran Ferren developed the vehicle as a mobile learning lab for his daughter Kira, but also with scientists and film crews in mind. It allows teams to trek out to remote locations but not forgo the comforts of working from a lab or an editing studio. Continue reading »

These Wonderful Butterfly Crowns Can Turn Any Head Into A Magical Fairytale


Artist standing behind this fashionable crowns is Irina Osinchuck-Chajka of Eten Iren. She used EVA foam in a process of making this delicate accessorize, which makes the crowns transformable and adjustable in numerous ways leaving you space for your own creativity and personal touch. Patterns on butterflies’ wings are hand painted by the artist making them really lifelike. From afar, thin wire that secures the butterflies is practically invisible leaving an observer with an impression that lovely creatures are gently fluttering around your hair. Continue reading »

Preserved Pizza Art Is The Best Form Of Art You Never Knew You Needed


This are the Forever Pizza slices made by artist Steph Mantis. They’re pieces of pepperoni pizza preserved forever in clear lucite. Unfortunately, this is not a “break in case of emergency” situation, there is no removing the pizza for consumption. I feel like that’s kind of a waste of pizza. And by kind of I mean that is absolutely a waste of pizza. I have friends that would fight you if they found out you were wasting pizza. Back me up, guys. “Gnarly!” “Cowabunga!” Get it? Because my friends are the Ninja Turtles. That was the joke. Continue reading »

This Year Corso Zundert Flower Parade Had Some Crazy Detailed Flower Floats


Zundert, a small town near the southern border of the Netherlands, hosts the world’s biggest flower parade. In a country famous for its flowers, it’s no wonder flower parades are some sort of national hobby. The Netherlands has about thirty flower parades, large and small. Continue reading »

The Most Epic Entries From The 2016 National Beard And Moustache Competition


So, it’s that time of the year again, if you clicked this post because of the image than i guess you already know what i mean, The 2016 National Beard And Moustache Competition was held this year in Nashville, Tennessee on Labor Day. Like every year, people from all over the world come to see and compete with their fabulous beards and moustaches that they work so hard all year long to maintain and grow. Continue reading »

Rescued Dog Loses 35 Pounds Of Hair After Getting Its First Haircut In 6 Years

Image courtesy of Amanda Brooke Charsha-Lindsey / Facebook

After spending six years in a barn stall, Lazarus is finally getting a second chance.

Amanda Brooke Charsha-Lindsey with the Big Fluffy Dog Rescue shared an inspiring photo (above) of a recently rescued great pyrenees named Lazarus to her Facebook page on Sunday. According to Charsha-Lindsey, Lazarus was kept in a barn stall for the past six years, and was in dire need of a haircut when groomer Candice Skelton rescued the pup. Continue reading »

This Artist Has Made Temporary Face And Body Tattoos Of Twitter And Instagram Profiles


“Face Post” is the artist John Yuyi’s three-part series and a nod to social media via her aforementioned, now-signature transfer stickers. The stickers are reminiscent of the superhero tattoos you’d get in those packets of “cigarette” sweets, applied with a modest dunk of water but maintained the staying power of super-glue ­– it’s this use of familiar objects in a witty way that gives her work its relatability. Continue reading »

World’s Most Secure House: A Zombie Bunker


The Safe House, designed by Robert Konieczny from KWK Promes in Poland, is made to be the world’s most secure home. With moveable concrete walls that seal shut, making The Safe House impregnable, it’s little mystery where people is going to run when the zombie apocalypse happens. The 6100 sq. ft Safe House is encapsulated in concrete walls. The walls can be configured to the owner’s desire and once safe inside, only a security code can open the home that also has an inner safety zone. Continue reading »

Simple Sheets Of Paper Get Transformed Into Amusing 3D Scenes


Danish illustrator HuskMitNavn has a way with paper. He’s able to take a single sheet of paper and turn it into something truly impressive, and his style is totally unique. Continue reading »

The Rooms At This Hotel Are Inside Airstream Trailers On The Roof Of The Building


Created out of a need to fill the space at an urban rooftop car park, James Fry came up with Notel, a unique boutique hotel made of six vintage Airstreams in an up and coming part of Melbourne, Australia. Each Airstream was gutted and redesigned by Edwards Moore Architects, FMSA Architecture and artist Ash Keating. In an effort to encourage guests to spend time in the city rather than in their rooms, the hotel isn’t staffed, has no dining facilities, gym, or hotel reception. Continue reading »

This Powerful Photo Series Inspired By Brock Turner Will Make You Think


Brock Turner was sentenced to six months in June of 2016 for sexual assault. But only three months later he was released. In today’s society, sexual violence is dismissed as quickly as its perpetrators. It’s no wonder assaults go severely underreported. How can statements like “It was only 20 minutes of action” lead to so much inaction? We believe justice can’t be served until the sentence matches the severity of the crime.

Yana Mazurkevich, a 20-year-old student at Ithaca College in New York, decided to create a photo series about Brock’s release and its message is shockingly powerful. Continue reading »

Europe’s First Beer Fountain Opens In Slovenia


Hundreds of beer lovers gathered in Slovenia recently to witness the unveiling of “Europe’s first beer fountain.” Six euros will get you a special glass that comes with a microchip that allows people to drink a limited amount of beer five times from one of the five different taps on hand. Continue reading »

Behemoth Bike: German Man Builds Heaviest Bike In The World

Photo by Markus Scholz / AP

Using giant tires from an industrial fertilizer spreader and scrap steel, a German man has built a bicycle weighing 940 kilograms (2,072 pounds) that he plans to pedal into the record books as the world’s heaviest rideable bike. Frank Dose’s bike already outweighs the current Guinness World Record holder’s 860-kilogram (1,900-pound) contraption. Continue reading »

This Modern Dog House Is Designed To Fit Your Home’s Aesthetic


This dog house design proves that they can be just as architecturally designed as any other house. After searching for something that would suit their own home and not finding anything, RAH:DESIGN decided to create their own and launched the MDK9 Dog Haus. Using the techniques and materials that are found in modern homes, like Brazilian Teak, powder-coated steel and concrete, they were able to create a dog house that would look good and be functional at the same time. Continue reading »

“Star Wars Bands”: Superfi Spoofs Popular Album Covers Using Star Wars Puns

Tupacca – All Jediz on Me

The bloggers at Superfi have used the escalating hype to create something rather amusing: “Star Wars Bands,” a series of iconic album covers twisted to match Star Wars-related puns. Lady Gaga’s face from The Fame is mutated into a grinning “Lady JarJar”; Chewbacca throws up Tupac’s “westside” on the cover of 2paca: all jediz on me. Other spoofs include the Sex Pistols, Run-D.M.C., and Green Day. Clever and good-humored, “Star Wars Bands” will amuse music and movie lovers alike. Continue reading »

American Sculptor John Bisbee Makes His Pieces Out Of Steel Nails


John Bisbee is an American sculptor living and working in Maine, whose whole body of work is made entirely from steel nails.Through bending and twisting and thoughtful arrangement of the nails, he creates large scale sculptural pieces that look like they could have come right from the earth. And, in an effort to create pieces that compliment the existing architecture of the buildings his work is installed in, he makes most of his sculptures on site. Continue reading »

Striking Hyper-Realistic Murals By Italian Graffiti Artist Jorit Agoch


The artistic activity of Jorit is unique because he carries out graffiti and paintings on canvas at a very high technical level.He declares that his aim is to portray as close as possible to reality. This is possible only after a very thorough analysis and, subsequently, scrupulous reproduction with all kind of painting techniques.Together with this high technical level, Jorit sends an ethical message, has accompanied him since he started to paint. He considers the human face the most characterising part of humanity, almost like a totem to venerate. That is why he has concentrated on painting human faces with all their peculiarities. Continue reading »

Unbelievable Hair Sculptures By Tresse Agoche

Photo by Delphine Diaw Diallo

French hair designer Tresse Agoche created these complex sculptures of hair as part of the highness project, a series of works combining the skills of four women envisioning the 21st century female archetype. The pieces combine the mediums of sculpture, design and photography to create striking visual imagery pushing the boundaries of human adornment. Continue reading »

Food Styling Lettering By Panco Sassano


Fantastic Food Styling lettering work by Argentinian designer Panco Sassano. One of great work is the “A gusto” decorative lettering project, produced in collaboration with food stylist Anna Keville Joyce and photographer Agustín Nieto, Continue reading »

Magical Glow-In-The-Dark Bookmarks By Manon Richard


Jewelry designer and photographer Manon Richard has been making fabulous glow-in-the-dark pieces for some time now, but this time she’s applied her technique to creating fabulous bookmarks for literature lovers. The bookmarks add a welcome element of magical realism to the covers of your favorite books, but they also serve a practical purpose as well – you’ll be able to find your books in the dark, Continue reading »

A Thrill-Seeking Photographer Risked Life And Limb As He Swam Alongside A Ten-Foot-Long American Crocodile Near Belize

Photo by Rodrigo Friscione /

Stunning pictures show Mexican underwater photographer Rodrigo Friscione getting up close and personal with the two-hundred-pound predator. Other shots show the curious croc check itself out in the camera lens and poke its head above water. Rodrigo, who runs a dive shop in Cancun, Mexico, took the spectacular images in Chinchorro Banks. Continue reading »

Underwater Portraits Of People Diving Into A Freezing 4°C Dunking Pool

Photo by Daan Verhoeven

There was a freezing 4°C (39°F) dunking pool at the freediving world championships in Turku, Finland… and photographer Daan Verhoeven did not want to let it go to waste. As the competitors took their shocking dunk into the freezing cold water, he was there to capture their reactions. Verhoeven is an award-winning freediver himself, and most of his portraits involve capturing the sport in action. These… well these are just fun. Continue reading »

Surreal Illustrations For Book Lovers By Korean Artist Jungho Lee


Jungho Lee is a Korean artist and illustrator based in Seoul. He creates surreal illustrations incorporating books into our everyday surroundings and is also in the process of working on his own picture book. He creates hand-drawn images that are then scanned and layered digitally, citing surrealists such as René Magritte as a major influence. Jungho Lee was recently named the overall professional winner of the World Illustration Awards 2016. Continue reading »

Subway Doodles Bring New Life To New York


If you’re riding the subway between Brooklyn and Manhattan, there’s a chance you could become the subject of some very entertaining artwork. Ben Rubin, who runs a creative marketing studio called The Mint Farm, has been keeping himself and his social media followers entertained with a series of sketches created during his commute. Continue reading »