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Search Results for “glasgow” – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Powerful Photos Document Poor Housing Conditions And The Lives Of People Living In Slums In Glasgow In The Early 1970s

Nick Hedges/Shelter

In 1968, Shelter employed photographer Nick Hedges to document the oppressive and abject living conditions being experienced in poor quality housing in the UK over a period of three years. Shelter commissioned the work in an effort to raise consciousness about the extent of unfit living conditions and to illustrate, in human terms, what the real cost of bad housing was. Continue reading »

Harrowing Black And White Photos Show The Horrific Living Conditions In 1940s Glasgow Where Overcrowding Was Rife And Sewage Seeped Into Slums

It was the notoriously poor Glasgow slum which was rife with overcrowding and sewage running in the streets. And harrowing black and white photos have shed light on the horrific living conditions of residents living in the Gorbals in the 1940s…

Two boys in the Gorbals area of Glasgow, UK on January 31, 1948. The Gorbals tenements were built quickly and cheaply in the 1840s, providing housing for Glasgow’s burgeoning population of industrial workers. Continue reading »

Tenement Kids And The City – Glasgow In 1975

“All of these photos were taken on a weekend return from art college to visit my parents in the east end of Glasgow in 1975,” says John J Brady. “I obviously hadn’t mastered the camera and light meter combo that I’d borrowed from the college and the original negatives are in a poor state. But the images capture a place in time.” Continue reading »

Maggie Out: Striking And Depressive Photographs Captured Everyday Life In Glasgow In 1980

Raymond Depardon/Magnum Photos

In 1980, French photojournalist Raymond Depardon was commissioned by the Sunday Times to travel to Glasgow for a feature on Europe’s overlooked tourist destinations. He knew nothing about the city and couldn’t speak English either. Continue reading »

Incredible Photographs Of The Old Closes And Streets Of Glasgow From Between 1868 And 1877


Thomas Annan (1829 -1887) was the son of a Fife farmer and flax spinner and lived for most of his life in Glasgow. After training and working as a copperplate engraver, he set up a photographic studio in Sauchiehall Street in 1857. Annan concentrated initially on architectural photography but then turned his attention to portraits. Continue reading »

Artist Lola Dupre Creates Beautiful Antropomorphic Felines

1900 Mimsy Lola Dupre

Lola Dupre is a collage artist and illustrator currently based near Glasgow, Scotland. Continue reading »

Spectacular Winning Images From The 2023 Scottish Nature Photography Awards

Scottish Nature Photographer of the Year: Lily of the Valley by Charles Everitt
Scottish Nature Photography Awards 01

The Scottish Nature Photography Awards 2023 again showcased Scotland’s stunning scenery and animals. From the craggy Highlands to the peaceful Outer Hebrides, photographers from around Scotland captured Scotland’s raw nature. Here are some amazing winning images that capture the Scottish scenery. Continue reading »

Spectacular Winning Images of The Environmental Photographer of The Year 2022

This year’s Environmental photographer of the year competition, from CIWEM, WaterBear, Nikon and Arup, showcases some of the most striking images of the natural world, providing an international platform to raise awareness for the issues that threaten our planet.

Winner: Vision of the Future | Vertical Farming by Arie Basuki
Officers maintain vegetable crops in a warehouse at Sentra farm in West Java, Indonesia. Vegetables such as curly lettuce, romaine, oclave green, siiomak, kailan are cultured in a room where the light and temperature remain stable. The advantage of vertical farming, which was developed in the past year, is that it is free of pesticides with a harvest period of only 30 days with an average yield of 20-30kg a day. Photograph: Arie Basuki/Environmental photographer of the year Continue reading »

A Photographer’s Backdrops Move to The Foreground

Photographer Katherine Anne Rose found her Glasgow studio filling up with rolls of coloured backdrops. She began layering the coloured backgrounds pinned up on her studio walls, cutting them into grid formations, snipping and layering. Continue reading »

Spectacular Winning Photos of The Environmental Photographer of the Year 2021

The Environmental Photographer Of The Year competition, now in its 14th year, showcases some of the world’s most inspirational environmental photography.

The award celebrates humanity’s ability to survive and innovate and supports the calls to action in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The winners of this year’s competition were revealed at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow.

Flooding near Modena, Italy, 2020, a winning image in the environments of the future category. (Photo by Michele Lapini/CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year 2021) Continue reading »

Winners Of The Visual Storytelling Contest By The Independent Photographer

Here are the winners and finalists of The Visual Storytelling Contest By The Independent Photographer.

“From classic social documentary to imaginative storytelling: The art of visual storytelling encompasses a wide range of possibilities with at its heart, the will to tell a story and we were seeking visual artists aiming to captivate and share their stories with awareness and conviction.”

American photographer Nichole Sobecki, represented by renowned photo agency VII, was the judge of the competition.

Berber Theunissen – 1st Prize – “The Soul Within”

“The growing body. The excitement. Noticing the old me fading away, the beginning of a new life. The fear of losing him again, the mental scars after the miscarriage. The first strong kicks, slowly regaining trust in my body. The growing love. The healing homebirth. Meeting the soul that had been with us already all those years, finally earth side. The double sword: fatigue, heartbreaking fears, overwhelming responsibilities alternated with a soft inner peace, overpowering happiness.” Continue reading »

Spectacular Winning Photos of the 2021 Underwater Photographer of the Year Contest

The winners of this year’s Underwater Photographer of the Year contest were just announced, and Renee Capozzola was named Underwater Photographer of the Year 2021 for her image of blacktip reef sharks cruising beneath seagulls at sunset in French Polynesia. Prizes and commendations were handed out in categories including Wide Angle, Macro, Wrecks, Behavior, Portrait, Black and White, Compact, Up and Coming, Marine Conservation, and more. Contest organizers were once again kind enough to share some of this year’s honorees with us below, with captions written by the photographers.

Underwater photographer of the year 2021 and wide angle category winner. Sharks’ Skylight by Renee Capozzola (US), taken near shore of island of Mo’orea, French Polynesia. Continue reading »

The Award-Winning Photos of Mother Nature Reclaiming Her Throne in The Earth Photo Competition 2020

Coffee Shop, Photo Earth 2020’s overall winner.

Jonk/Earth Photo 2020/RGS

Earth Photo, the international competition and exhibition created by Forestry England and the Royal Geographical Society with IBG, aims to encourage discussion about the environment by telling stories about the natural world, its inhabitants and our treatment of both. Continue reading »

Sea Monkeys, X-Ray Specs, and the Twisted Secret Behind Vintage Ads from American Comic Books

American comics first came to Glasgow as ships’ ballast. In the sixties it seemed every other corner shop had a stash of these glossy-covered comics displayed on carousels or placed beside their tamer British counterparts like Beano, Topper, or Dandy. With comics like Thor, Hulk, Superman and co. it was difficult to keep collecting consecutive numbers as it was pot luck as to what arrived in the shop every month. Continue reading »

“Wear Mask. Save Live”: Borat Had Made Hilarious Appearances on Major Landmarks Across the UK

Borat was beamed onto Edinburgh Castle with the pro-mask message

Sacha Baron Cohen’s comical character was projected onto famous sites around the country with the slogan: “Wear mask. Save live.” And he posed up wearing nothing but a face mask covering his modesty. Continue reading »

Misty Lochs, Magical Woods and Spectacular Lightning Strikes: Feast Your Eyes on The Incredible Winning Shots for The 2020 Landscape Photographer of The Year Awards

The splendour of Britain’s rural and urban landscapes have been captured in breathtaking fashion for the 13th time – by the shortlisted and winning entries to the 13th Landscape Photographer of the Year competition. Every time, without fail, the winning and shortlisted images by the nation’s most talented amateur and professional photographers take the breath away.

As before, prints of the top shots are presented in the lavish Landscape Photographer of the Year coffee-table book (AA Publishing).

This book is the perfect companion for all photography enthusiasts and armchair travellers, with every image accompanied by a first-hand account of the story behind the picture.

Landscapes at Night runner-up. (Photo by Wesley Chambers/Light Pass/UK Landscape Photographer of the Year 2020) Continue reading »

In The Victorian Era, These Strange Mortsafes Were Contraptions Designed To Protect Graves From Disturbance

In early 19th century, grave robbing became a growing concern, especially in Scotland, as robbers used to steal the dead bodies and supply the corpses to medical students, for dissection studies. This is how the idea of contraption cages over graves came up – to protect the dead bodies from being stolen. Continue reading »

Spectacular Winning Photos Of The 2019 British Ecological Society Photography Competition

The winning images, taken by international ecologists and students, celebrate the diversity of ecology; capturing flora and fauna from across the planet. Subjects range from the hypnotic textures of a birch forest, to a three-toed sloth making its way across a road, to a Southern white rhinoceros receiving its annual horn trimming to help protect it from poachers.

On his winning image, Roberto, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Valencia, said: “Unfortunately, many areas of Madagascar are suffering huge anthropic pressures including poaching and fires, and big snakes are becoming increasingly difficult to see. During my visit to Madagascar, I had the pleasure of finding this outstanding snake and photographing it. To offer a dramatic scenario reflecting the conditions that these snakes are suffering, I used an external red light as a source of light and severe blurring to capture the environment.”

The Art of Ecology category winner: For the love of Flamingos by Peter Hudson (Penn State University), taken over Lake Magadi, Kenya. “A flock of flamingos fly high over Lake Magadi in a heart shape. Flamingos are all legs and necks but at the same time graceful and fascinating and I admit I have a deep passion for them, so I was thrilled when, flying high over Lake Magadi, I watched this flock form themselves in to a heart shape”. (Photo by Peter J. Hudson/2019 British Ecological Society Photography Competition) Continue reading »

Before The Computers: Looking Back On Typewriters Era

In April 2011 last factory in the world on manufacture of typewriters was closed. The epoch of typewriters has ended…

Secretary and Ramsgate beauty queen, Christine James. (Photo by Peter Powell/Express/Getty Images). March 1965 Continue reading »

A Celebration Of British Wildlife: Spectacular Winners Of The Wildlife Photography Awards 2019 Contest

To mark its tenth anniversary and help raise awareness about our coast; its incredible biodiversity and the threats it is facing BWPA have expanded the Coast and Marine category to include British and Irish Coastlines within four separate categories; Wales, Scotland, England, and Northern Ireland & the Coast of Ireland.

The British Wildlife Photography Awards proudly announce the winners for 2019. The awards celebrate both the work of amateur and professional photographers and the beauty and diversity of British wildlife. Winning images are chosen from thousands of entries in fifteen separate categories including a category for film and two junior categories to encourage young people to connect with nature through photography.

Overall winner and urban wildlife category winner. Behind Bars (grey heron) by Daniel Trim from Hitchin, Hertfordshire. Grey herons thrive around London’s wilder waterways, but they also do well in more urban settings such as the smaller parks and canals, despite the litter and large numbers of people walking by. This individual was hunting in the cover of a bridge – presumably the fish were taking shelter among the fallen leaves and plastic bottles. The morning light shining through a grill gives the impression that the bird is trapped as it gazes out through the mesh. (Photo by Daniel Trim/British Wildlife Photography Awards/PA Wire Press Association) Continue reading »

Urban Scapes And Youngster’s Street Lifestyle In Melancholic Paintings By Michele Del Campo

Michele Del Campo was raised in San Nicandro Garganico, a small town in rural South Italy. When he was 18 he moved to Milan (Italy), where he started his Fine Art studies, then he went to study in Falmouth (UK), Dundee (UK) and Madrid (Spain). Continue reading »

Incredible Sculptures Made Out Of Folded Paper Inspired By The 3D Characters Created In Video Games

British artist John Clark combines pattern making, plotting, and injection moulding to create his unique paper sculptures, each finished with a variety of paints, pigments, and waxes. Continue reading »

Post Modern Architectural Cakes By A Fashion Designer Turned Baker

A.R.D. Bakery is a London based cake design studio specialising in bespoke cakes and chocolates with a unique, graphic style. Continue reading »

Before And After Photos Show The Power Of Art To Transform Boring Buildings


If you look around you, you’ll realize the world is filled with empty canvases. Art can be created onto any platform. Every town is filled with empty walls that are often overlooked. Fortunately for us, every society has a handful of artists who have the creative eye to transform all these blank boring walls into something exciting to look at. They’re determined to turn the world into a public art gallery and so far it looks like they’re succeeding.

Check out some of the amazing street art transformations below. We’ve provided a before photo for each one just so you can see how drastic the transformation was. Continue reading »

UK Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition 2018 Winners

Overall winner and astronomy winner: Three Diamonds in the Sky by Petr Horálek. When a solar eclipse started in November 2013 (on the left side of the image), there were two “diamond ring” solar flares, which was unusual. The magnitude of coverage from Pakwero, Uganda, was just 1.00259, which means the sun was only just covered and light could shine through two parts of the lunar limb. (Photo by Petr Horálek/Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition 2018) Continue reading »