japanese » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
japanese – Page 2 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Anton Frolov’s Iconic Futurism


At the beginning of his career, Anton combined the laconism of Japanese manga and the plasticity of iconography in his works. Continue reading »

The Superb 1980s Hyper-Realistic Illustrations by Japanese Artist Masao Saito


Masao Saito, the illustrator, is celebrated for his proficiency with the airbrush, a tool he has utilized to create images that are strikingly realistic, yet carry a dreamlike quality. Continue reading »

Small Japanese Fashion Brand Creates a Godzilla Shoes in The Honor of Oscar Win


After Godzilla’s Oscar win, a little Japanese fashion brand gains popularity. Continue reading »

The Superb Dystopian Illustrations by Mad Kobra


The Dominican Republic-based artist Mad Kobra, also going by Pedro Carvajal, mixes vibrant colors, gritty textures, and bold lines to create amazing cyberpunk works of art. Continue reading »

Clémentine Bal’s Imaginary Creatures: A Fusion of Japanese and Natural Influences


Clémentine Bal, a talented visual artist, creates captivating sculptures of imaginary animals that are sure to capture your heart. Inspired by Japanese influences such as manga, Miyazaki’s creatures, and traditional Japanese statues, her pieces bring together elements of nature and imagination for a delightful fusion that’s truly unique. Continue reading »

Amazing Vintage Japanese Pachimon Postcards With Famous Places Around the World


Pachimon is a vintage series of budget bromide trading cards made by the Japanese companies Yokopro and Yamapro featuring unauthorized alterations of pre-existing kaiju collaged with other photographic elements. The term Pachimon itself is a fan-created moniker roughly reading as “stolen monsters.” Continue reading »

Would You Wear These Japanese Hoof Sandals?

High heels are hard enough to walk in– but can you imagine wearing hoof sandals?

From the looks of things, learning to walk in them would take ages. And even then, there’s still the ever-present threat of a sprained ankle just waiting for you to make one false step. But hey, that’s just part of the package if you want to look like a magical faun. Continue reading »

Japanese Instant Noodle Warriors By Taishi Arimura

Taishi Arimura is a young graphic designer based in Tokyo. At the age of 25, his eclectic body of work contains humor, wit and beauty – everything one would want in a visual designer. In one particular series of works, Arimura uses imitation food samples and actual instant noodle packaging to create ‘noodle warriors.’ We don’t know whether we want to watch them fight, or eat them. Continue reading »

Japanese Artists Continue The Tradition Of Rice Harvest Season By Creating Gigantic Straw Sculptures

Autumn is a rice harvest season in Japan. Every year, farmers make sure that the leftover rice straw, known as “wara”, does not go to waste. From feeding the cattle to improving the soil, the straw finds its purpose. In particular, Niigata province has a very creative way of using these leftover rice husks by hosting an annual event called “Wara Art Festival”. Continue reading »

“Flesh Love Returns”: Japanese Photographer Captured Intimate Photos Of Vacuum-Sealed Couples

“Flesh Love Returns” is a photo series by Japanese artist and photographer Haal who is photographing couples that he meets in nightclubs and arranges them like pieces of meat inside bags meant to store futons and blankets. He then seals their conjoined bodies inside the bag using a household vacuum that sucks out all of the air. Continue reading »

“Jewels in the Night Sea”: Japanese Photographer Captures The Underwater Life Of The Ocean Creatures

Ryo Minemizu, one of Japan’s emerging stars in the field of marine life photography and the 2017 winner of the Nikkei National Geographic photography prize, captures the beauty and complexity of plankton that drift in our planet’s oceans and other bodies of water in meticulous detail. Here: The paddle of a Lysmata zoea larva. (Photo by Ryo Minemizu/The Guardian) Continue reading »

Crocodile Trying To Do Things In Hilarious Sketches By The Japanese Illustrator Keigo

Japanese illustrator Keigo has created a series of the daily of struggles that each crocodile faces in its daily life. Turns out having a huge snout isn’t exactly convenient. Continue reading »

Japanese Student Creates Superhero Figures Out Of Insect Shells

A student in Osaka, Japan who goes by the name ride_hero on Twitter has posted several photos of his highly disturbing, yet really cool superhero action figures. He makes these figures from scratch using shells from dead insects mainly cicadas and crabs. It looks rather creepy at first glance but it definitely is an interesting piece of art! Continue reading »

Awkward Vintage Japanese Movie Monsters

The kaiju eiga (literally “monster movie” in Japanese) was born in 1954 with Ishiro Honda’s landmark masterpiece Godzilla. Its immense international success spawned a chain of sequels, numerous imitators, more than a few rip-offs, and a slew of strange, bizarre cinematic creatures arising to threaten the existence of humankind. Continue reading »

The Japanese Mini Truck Garden Contest Is A Whole New Genre In Landscaping

The Kei Truck, or kei-tora for short, is a tiny but practical vehicle that originated in Japan. Although these days it’s widely used throughout Asia and other parts of the world, in Japan you’ll often see them used in the construction and agriculture industries as they can maneuver through small side streets and easily park. And in a more recent turn of events, apparently they’re also used as a canvas for gardening contests. Continue reading »

Japanese Cosplayer’s ‘BoobPack’ Becomes A Viral Trend On Twitter

A female Japanese cosplayer is hoping to start an unusual fashion trend that requires a little more than just a significant amount of confidence to pull off. Continue reading »

Bizarre Hospital Images From A Very Strange Cache Of Japanese Stock Photos

There’s a website called Sukima Nurse that offers pictures of a Japanese nurse holding unusual objects in a hospital and similar locales. The pictures fall generally into the stock photo category, although with a very, very narrow focus. Continue reading »

Powerful Illustrations By Japanese Artist That Will Make You Think

A picture is worth a thousand words… At least that’s exactly how people feel when seeing illustrations by a mysterious Japanese artist Avogado6. Continue reading »

Japanese Photographer Yuichi Yokota Captured Beautiful Photos Of Tokyo Covered By Heavy Snow

According to the travel photographer Yuichi Yokota: “Tokyo saw its heaviest snow in 4 years on Jan 22, 2018, with authorities urging evening commuters to hurry home and prompting those behind the wheel to brace for traffic disruptions. I captured the sceneries of that snowy day. I visited some famous spots in Tokyo: Shibuya, Shinjuku, Asakusa (Senso-Ji Temple) and Tokyo Station.” Continue reading »

This Japanese Machine Gun Camera Was Used In World War II

A Japanese “machine gun” camera has popped on eBay. The camera, which was used in war-time during the World War II era, can be yours for a price of $4,499. Continue reading »

This Japanese Artist Turns Childhood Toys Into Amazing Post-Apocalyptic Nightmares

There’s no feeling in the world quite like the one a little kid experiences when they wake up on Christmas morning to find Santa Claus has fulfilled their dreams and left them a bevy of amazing toys. However, we’re pretty sure only the strangest children would be thrilled if they unwrapped their presents to find their playthings had been transformed into nightmarish post-apocalyptic pieces of art. That’s too bad, because these creations are way more fascinating than normal action figures. Continue reading »

Japanese Artist Makes Incredibly Detailed Paper Watches That Look Like They Were 3d Printed

Paper, glue and lots of talent. This is the combination that the Japanese artist Manabu Kosaka uses to create his perfect replica watches. The work is meticulous and full of details. Continue reading »

Cats Are Ninjas, And This Japanese Photographer Proves It

If it’s been a long time since we know that cats are Ninja, Japanese photographer Hisakata Hiroyuki has decided to prove it a little more with his Martial Art Cats! An amuzing series of photos capturing cats playing, trying to catch a ball with twisted positions between kung fu and tai-chi. Continue reading »

Japanese Food Artist Eiko Mori Makes These Cute Creative Toasts. Bon Appétit!

Here are the creative toasts of the Japanese Eiko Mori, a culinary designer who is having fun creating cute and appetizing toasts by combining natural ingredients and fruits but also typically Japanese ingredients. Continue reading »