monsters » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
monsters – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Stunning Photos from Dick Smith’s Do-It-Yourself Monster Make-Up Handbook Published in 1965


“I wrote this book originally in 1965 to show young people how to have fun doing simple monster make-ups. It was published as a 60s magazine and was sold for many years as a back issue. Continue reading »

An Artist Recreated Monsters Into Their Cute Alternative Versions

Bored Panda community member portrayed famous monsters at their cutest!

“It’s October, which means it’ll be Halloween before you know it. To celebrate, I thought I’d use the magic of AI to turn some famous monsters into adorable 3D renders. Enjoy, creeps!”

“Cthulhu is a fictional cosmic entity created by author H.P. Lovecraft. It first appeared in the short story “The Call of Cthulhu.” Continue reading »

Pachimon: The Amazing Obscure Kaiju Collectible Cards From The 70’s

Kyuradorosu (vampire monster)/ Height: 5 meters/ Weight: 800 kilograms/ From Chiba

In the 1970s, kaiju and tokusatsu were all the rage in Japan, inspiring Yokopro to create Pachimon. These collectible cards featured several “Pachimon,” monsters based on popular kaiju series such as Godzilla, Gamera, and the Ultra Series. These monsters were often depicted attacking famous cities and places, making them all the more exciting for fans. Continue reading »

Amazing Vintage Japanese Pachimon Postcards With Famous Places Around the World


Pachimon is a vintage series of budget bromide trading cards made by the Japanese companies Yokopro and Yamapro featuring unauthorized alterations of pre-existing kaiju collaged with other photographic elements. The term Pachimon itself is a fan-created moniker roughly reading as “stolen monsters.” Continue reading »

Food Monsters: Sandwich Beasts by Kasia Haupt


Sandwich Monsters is a hobby blog created by creative director Kasia Haupt where she publishes her absolutely spectacular sandwiches that she makes out of everyday lunchtime foods. Continue reading »

Madness and Power: Stylish Monsters Illustrated by Dave Guertin

Dave Guertin is an American artist who started his career at Singletrac (the developers of the Twisted Metal series). After its closure in 2000, Dave moved to Insomniac Games, where he drew concept art and developed characters for the console classic Ratchet and Clank. He still works for Insomniac today. Continue reading »

Amazing Cover Photos of the Famous Monsters of Filmland in the 1970s

Famous Monsters of Filmland is an American genre-specific film magazine, started in 1958 by publisher James Warren and editor Forrest J Ackerman. Continue reading »

Trench Crusade: The Epic Bizarre Creatures of Mike Franchina

Mike Franchina is an illustrator from the U.S. who has worked for such major companies as Blizzard Entertainment, Runic Games and EA/Mythic Entertainment as a concept artist for a long time. Continue reading »

Artist Paintes Cute Illustrations To Show That Not All Monsters Are Scary

According to Zuzana Ziakova, an illustrator based in Slovakia: “I want to share my glowing monster series with you, bored pandas! They are cute, big, fluffy and they need friends. Don’t worry, they are really friendly!” Continue reading »

Artist George Coghill Creates Funny Cryptozoology and Paranormal Patches

The Monsterologist also sometimes answers to “George Coghill” when he’s not in his creature-creation laboratory. Continue reading »

This Artist Illustrates Adorable Glowing Monsters From Outer Space

According to Zuzana Ziakova, a digital artist based in Slovakia: “My name is Zuzana and you can remember my forest monsters I posted while ago. Continue reading »

Illustrator Adds Funny Monsters To Everyday Life, And It’s Brilliant

Artist and illustrator Tail Jar adds funny monster-like creatures into common everyday life situations and publishes these creations on his Instagram account. Scroll down to see the funniest examples! Continue reading »

Cursed Cute: The Superb Digital Concept Artworks Of Izzy Medrano

Formerly lead concept artist at Sony Santa Monica, where he was a major contributor to God of War: Ascension and God of War III, Izzy Medrano creates concept designs for game development and IP creation. A freelance illustrator for clients including Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast, his work has frequently been featured in ImagineFX and Concept Art World. Continue reading »

This Artist Adds Monsters To Thrift Shop Paintings, And It’s Hilarious

Artist Chris McMahon has a passion for buying charity shop paintings and then adding monsters to them. Using acrylics or oil paints that match the original artwork, he injects scenes with some paranormal activity. Continue reading »

Artist Illustrates Monsters Coming Out Of People’s Phones Because We Stare At Them Too Much

Aaaaagh! Monsters! They’re in our phones! And they’re trying to get out! Aaaaagh! But don’t panic just yet because they’re not real monsters—they’re ‘Phone Buddies!’ Incredibly colorful and imaginative illustrations of fantastical beings by artist Andrew Rae who drew them on photographs taken by his friend. Continue reading »

Yokai Horrors From The 18th Century Bakemono Zukushi Scroll – The Nightmarish, Curious And Rather Cute Demons Were Created In The Edo Period

Oyajirome (親白眼) has a bulging eye on the back of its head and a claw on its one-fingered hand.

You could cut this 18th Century Japanese scroll into neat squares and use the 24 images for a game of ‘Guess Who? – Yokai.’ Does yours have one eye..? Does yours have teeth..? Does yours eat raw human anuses..? (The Kappa does.) The scroll, known as the Bakemono zukushi, was painted by an artist or artist now unknown. Continue reading »

Artist Imagines Spilled Coffee As Monsters

Stefan Kuhnigk is a German illustrator and copywriter who works at an ad agency by day and turns coffee stains into monsters by night. Prompted by his love for coffee (and can we blame him?) and clumsiness, he created his first character during a boring meeting when he accidentally spilled a cup of coffee. Continue reading »

Artist Drew 50 Monsters Over The Last 2 Years Based On Kid Drawings, And Here’re The Results

According to Aaron Zenz: “For the past two years, I have been inviting kids all around the state of Michigan to send me monster designs. I provided four simple shape prompts for them to build their monsters off of. To date, over 17,000 drawings have been submitted. For my process, I look through all the entries and pick out designs that inspire me. I then work up fully rendered pieces of “fan art” based on their amazing designs in colored pencil, with the same techniques I use when illustrating picture books. Continue reading »

Godzilla And Fellow Kaiju Monsters Apologise At Japanese Press Conference For Acts Of Destruction

The world of gachapon vending machine capsule toys just got even weirder with a new lineup of figurines from top Japanese toy producer Bandai. Called the “Godzilla Toho Monsters Press Conference”, the series depicts Godzilla, along with three other kaiju monsters from the acclaimed movie production and distribution company Toho, all appearing at fictional press conferences, complete with microphone stand and name plaque. Continue reading »

Awkward Vintage Japanese Movie Monsters

The kaiju eiga (literally “monster movie” in Japanese) was born in 1954 with Ishiro Honda’s landmark masterpiece Godzilla. Its immense international success spawned a chain of sequels, numerous imitators, more than a few rip-offs, and a slew of strange, bizarre cinematic creatures arising to threaten the existence of humankind. Continue reading »

Finger Monsters: Make A “Monster Mash” Of Your Fingers


“Here’s the church, here’s the steeple, open up the door and here’s all the… finger monsters!” Finger Monsters are one of our best selling products of all time. If you had them as a kid, you probably still have one stuck on a pencil on your desk at work. These 2″ tall fiends are perfect for low (and we mean really low) budget puppet shows. Each one has a different excited facial expression ranging from a panic-induced menace to a menacing panic, so the possibilities are endless. Set of eight (one of each style). Continue reading »

This Artist Adds Monsters To Everyday Life To Make It More Fun


Jasper is an animator, designer, illustrator, creative and art director with over 10 years experience working across feature films, television series, advertising, music videos and branded content. Continue reading »

Artist Uses Coffee Spills To Create Cute Coffee Monsters


Little accidents and oopsies can be serendipitous sometimes. Stefan Kuhnigk is a copywriter and artist from Hamburg, Germany, who spilled a cup of coffee one day and – much in the same way that we used to see monsters in the dark when we were kids – saw a monster staring back at him from within the deepest depths of that cheerless puddle of java. The monster implored Stefan to free it, so Stefan picked up a pen and did, witlessly opening a dimensional portal for hordes of other monsters to keep coming over to our side: the Coffee Monsters have come. Continue reading »

Anatomical Illustrations Of Japanese Folk Monsters


In 1960, the great manga artist Shigeru Mizuki took on the task of illustrating anatomical versions of over 80 monstrous members of the yōkai—a group of monsters who, according to Japanese folklore, inhabit the countryside of Japan. Continue reading »

Makeup Artist Turns Herself Into Creepy Monsters That’ll Give You Nightmares


Andrea De La Ossa, a cosmetologist and beauty vlogger, definitely doesn’t have problems choosing her Halloween looks. Using her incredible make-up skills, she can turn herself into any creepy character she wants. Continue reading »