satirical – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Stunning Retro Cover Illustrations from The Satirical German-Language Magazine “Kladderadatsch”

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The satirical German-language magazine Kladderadatsch (meaning “Crash” in an onomatopoeic sense) was launched in Berlin on May 7, 1848. Continue reading »

Unveiling the Canvas of Mark Bryan: A Blend of Pop-Surrealism, Satire, and Social Comment


Mark Bryan, born on May 24, 1950, is a prominent American painter celebrated for his versatile approach to art. Continue reading »

Provoking Reflections on Modern Society in Paweł Kuczyński’s Art


Polish illustrator Paweł Kuczyński (previously featured here and here) intertwines social commentary and satire to craft thought-stirring artworks, challenging us to reconsider life’s absurdities and societal norms. Continue reading »

Meet Michal Dziekan, The Creative Warsaw-based Visual Artist and Character Designer


Michal Dziekan is a highly talented and sought-after visual artist and character designer based in Warsaw, Poland. He is renowned for his outstanding ability to create impactful and entertaining editorial illustrations that captivate audiences worldwide. Continue reading »

Laugh Out Loud with Tom Falco’s Pun-derful One-Panel Comics


Tom Falco (aka Tomversation) has made a name for himself as an artist with a knack for creating old-school one-panel comics that are both amusing and entertaining. With a talent for seamlessly blending puns and humor in clever ways, Falco’s cartoons offer a perfect escape from the stresses of everyday life. Continue reading »

Enter the World of Shaun Lowndes, Where the Unexpected Meets the Human Element


UK-based artist Shaun Lowndes is a master at creating vibrant and lively paintings that take inspiration from vintage Proletariat posters, woodcut, and linocut. His works have been described as “The Twilight Zone in full color” and it’s not hard to see why. Through his paintings, Lowndes creates intriguing worlds that are both captivating and thought-provoking. Continue reading »

Artist Reveals What’s Wrong With Our Modern Society In New Satirical Illustrations


Art is not just about beauty. One of its greatest powers is precisely the ability to reveal the realities of the world without having to use absolutely any words, thus crossing the borders of language limitations. Continue reading »

Artist Reveals What’s Wrong With Our Modern Society In These Satirical Illustrations


Sometimes it seems like a simpler life would be more fulfilling and healthy because modern life can be depressing. Almost everyone today exchanges their time for money. Continue reading »

This Artist Illustrates The Problems Of Modern Society, And Here Are His Newest Works

The Money Machine

According to Daniel Garcia (previously featured here and here): “What are the things that bother you most about the world today?

Is it the wars and economic problems made by powerful people that make others suffer so much? Is it the constant bickering and lack of empathy on social media? Or just the everyday injustices that don’t get talked enough about? Continue reading »

This New Yorker Cartoonist Might Make You Laugh With Her Witty Single-Panel Comics


Let us present to you Sofia Warren, a talented cartoonist, writer and animator from the United States! She’s been a cartoonist for The New Yorker since 2017 and has also contributed to MoMA magazine, Narrative Magazine, and Catapult, to name a few. Her illustrations catch attention with beautiful drawings as well as clever and witty remarks that one might find weirdly relatable. Continue reading »

Evils of Politicians in the Satirical Art of Semyon Skrepetsky


An American artis of the Russian origin Semyon Skrepetsky is a master of satirical art who focuses on human sins. He exposes atrocity, greed, lie, passion for power and other negative human qualities. And it naturally comes that Semen uses images of politicians to demistrate those qualities. Continue reading »

A Visit to the World of Medicine: The Whimsical Art of Jose S. Perez

A Day in the Hospital

With a personality as unique as his art, Jose Perez has painted his way through life. His paintings are his voice, his method of expressing himself, his commentary on society. Continue reading »

This Artist Remakes The Packaging Of Well-Known Grocery Items In A Satirical And Funny Manner

A Photoshop enthusiast called Doctor Photograph (very clever name) partially satisfies this craving by creating a satirical new flavor, or a version of products we all recognize. However, these new flavors are not the flavors we wanted, but the flavors we needed… to make us smile. Let’s hope some of these versions make it to the shelves someday, or let’s hope that some of them shall only remain in digital form. Continue reading »

Satirical and Absurd Illustrations From JJ Grandville’s Un Autre Monde, 1844

‘Un Autre Monde: Transformations, Visions, Incarnations Et Autres Choses’ by JJ Grandville (1803-1847) was published by H. Fournier of Paris in 1844. The illustrations are, as the book’s sole reviewer at the Internet Archive puts it, “nutty, weird and wonderful – funny and strange.” The work is “very good!”. It is. Continue reading »

101 Best Picture Comparisons From Lilliput Or Chamberlain And The Beautiful Llama

Lilliput Magazine was founded in 1937 by the Hungarian photographer Stefan Lorant. It was a quirky magazine featuring some of the best artists and photographers of that age. Continue reading »

Company Creates Satirical T-Shirts That Intentionally Portray Man The Way Society Portrays Women

Imagine that the world as we know it was turned on its head, gender roles and stereotypes were flipped and men got to see life through the eyes of a woman’s experience. In this world, women are historically the dominant sex, taking lead roles in science, art, and exploration, while men are largely tasked with domestic duties, looking after the house and raising children. Continue reading »

Photographer Jack Daly’s Satirical ’80s Ads Challenge The Concept Of Masculinity

Masculinity is a concept as outdated as can be, and yet in 2018 it’s as prevalent as ever. Photographer Jack Daly has been surrounded and pressured by stereotypes forever, and finally he’s calling it out. Continue reading »

Twisted & Satirical Pop Culture Characters By Dan LuVisi

“A creepy trip down memory lane” …may be the best way to describe the “Popped Culture” series by LA-based concept artist Dan LuVisi where he features the most beloved characters from our childhood, in some unlikely, gruesome, and violent settings. Continue reading »

Satirical NSFW Illustrations Of Today’s Problems By Gunduz Agayev

This time Gunduz Aghayev (previously featured) tried to show problems of today that are still noticeable after centuries and have not been solved yet.

Attractive TV

The artist focused on the problems of the mass following and on the fact that people tend to not act individually and are easily influenced by masses or figures of power. Continue reading »

Universal Unbranding, Satirical Versions Of Corporate Logos

“Universal Unbranding,” is a series of satirical versions of famous logos by French art collective Maentis. Continue reading »

Satirical And Minimalist Illustrations By Francesco Ciccolella

A selection of the beautiful minimalist illustrations by Francesco Ciccolella, an Austrian artist who manages to display satirical messages in spite of soft and colorful creations. Francesco Ciccolella has collaborated with numerous publications, such as The Guardian, The New York Times or Wired. Continue reading »

Society Of The Dead: Satirical Illustrations By Pawel Kuczynski


Pawel Kuczynski was born in 1976 in Szczecin. He graduated the Fine Arts Academy in Poznan with specialization in graphics. Since 2004 he deals with satirical illustration, and so far he has been rewarded with 92 prizes and distinctions. We made sure to pick the very best from his portfolio … so here we go, below you may find over 30 quality artworks. Scroll through, get inspired … and feel free to drop a comment or two. Continue reading »

Amusing Satirical Illustrations That Echo Our Behavior On Social Media


British illustrator Joe Stone (previously) has launched an entertaining collection of comics that aptly depict our behavior on social media. His satirical drawings poke fun at our foolish addiction to Facebook, our true face of emotion when typing messages and the irony of being connected to the world yet feeling alone. Continue reading »

These 13 Satirical Cartoons Depict The Disturbing Reality Of Modern-Day Society

The Soldier’s Future

This is a satirical representation of the modern day World, through the eyes of Petry and Crisan, a Romaninan cartoonist duo. Continue reading »

Satirical Illustrations Of Police Officers Around The World


Illustrations by Gunduz Agayev depict police officers in the countries where human rights are abused, such as Russia, Great Britain, China, Turkey, Iran, Korea, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, India, etc. Most of the illustrations are sarcastic and critical, while some of them visualize “good police” characters. Continue reading »