Car vs Piano – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Car vs Piano

To prove how unpredictable car accidents are, Intouch insurance created a live 24/7 web broadcast. A 359 KG grand piano was suspended from nine ropes above a car in a Moscow garage during seven days. Twice a day people could vote on a live broadcast 24/7 on for an unpredictable real event resulting in one rope being cut. For example: if the temperature in Moscow rose to +21C one rope could be cut. If FC Barcelona advanced to the Champions League Final that same week, another rope would be cut. A live Twitter feed was projected on the wall and a timer clock kept the audience intrigued, waiting for the next rope to be cut-or not. On the 6th day the piano fell down on the car and proving that even if we couldn’t save the world from falling pianos we did make more drivers consider buying our intouch ”no fault” car insurance.

Creative Directors: Luis Tauffer, Andres Vergara
Art Director: Luis Tauffer, Andres Vergara, Lucas Zaiden, Cloves Menezes,
Copywriters: Polina Zabrovakaya
Digital Creative: Ilya Andreyev
Photographer: Artiom Gelvez Kostenko
Digital Director: Ekaterina Smygnia
Digital Producer: Igor Kholopov
Client Service: Alena Aleksandrova
Agency Producer: Valery Gorhov
Production House: Park Productions
Digital Production House: INDEE Interactive
Music Production House: Goudron Productions
Sound Studio: CM Records