The Next Microsoft
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Google's X-Mas Gift to Employees: Special Edition Galaxy Nexus
Magic Corn
Artist Makes Tiny Fantasy Moth Dolls That Are Completely Handmade
Signs for the Homeless
Slanted Magazine #18
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MCM London Comic Con
Stunning, Futuristic Redesign of IBM's Office Buildings
Rideable «Kuratas» Robot Mecha Unveiled at Wonder Festival
Skyrim’s Giant Dragon Wall, Installed on a Regular Office Wall
The Making of a Windfarm
Cute Sunset Orange Whale Clutch Purse
Bota Bota: The Floating Spa of Montreal
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New Network on the Streets of London Broadcasts News to City Workers via Recycling Bins
AI-Generated Fruit Fashion by Bonny Carrera
iPhone Alarm Dock
Japan Odaiba Water Illumination
Breathing Life into Junk: Stephen Ives' Unique Bricolage Art
The ILOVENY cup launch: The world-famous logo, on a ceramic cup that looks like it's made of paper!
Chinese Man Builds Himself Bionic Hands from Scrap Metal
New Mom Doodles On Baby's Portraits
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