Girls of Octoberfest 2012 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Girls of Octoberfest 2012

With the traditional tapping-ritual, the Oktoberfest has been opened on saturday, September 22, 2012. As usual, Christian Ude, mayor of the city of Munich, had the honour of declaring the Oktoberfest open. With two strikes he tapped the first barell of Oktoberfest beer at the Schottenhamel beer tent and let let the world know “O’zapft is!” – meaning that the barell has been successfully tapped – and wished everybody a peacefull Oktoberfest.

Despite the rather wet weather on saturday, the first weekend was te xpeted sucess: Approximately 850.000 guests from Munich, Bavaria, the rest of Germany and from all over the world came to visit the 179th Oktoberfest on the opening weekend. About one million liters of beer and about nine oxen have already been sold.

Photo credits: David Kramer, Cheeky Minx Photo Diary, Traveller_40, Werner Böhm, Massimo, Ka, Lackschaden.