Greeting Cards For Momentous Occasions In The Lives Of The LGBTQ Community – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Greeting Cards For Momentous Occasions In The Lives Of The LGBTQ Community

We’re an independent greeting card/paper company based in Toronto, Canada and a few months ago we realized that the greeting card industry is kind of hugely lacking in one department – cards for LGBTQ occasions and events. I mean, you can find the generic “Here come the brides” and “Congrats to the Mr. and Mr.” but what about cards for all the other moments when we need encouragement, or support or congratulations?

Our cards fill that void. We’re calling them #cardsforallies – be it LGBTQ allies or straight allies, they are cards to give to those you support. We really hope that these cards can reach those that need them, and are available to help specifically LGBTQ youth know that they are not alone.

One of the things we’re certain about, is that our experiences and the experiences of those close to us do not sum up what it means to be part of the LGBTQ community. This is a start – but we’re so excited to talk to more people in our community (across the world!) to expand on what’s available.