OAS1S: Welcome To Urban Forest Neighborhoods When The Houses Are Disguised As Trees – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

OAS1S: Welcome To Urban Forest Neighborhoods When The Houses Are Disguised As Trees


The OAS1S architecture is designed as trees, earth’s most ancient, important and appreciated structures. This unique design creates a highly desirable 21st century icon that truly fusions architecture and nature. The OAS1S architecture is shaped as a 1 and answers to the deep human need to become 1 with nature. OAS1S is a passionate and innovative answer to our current need for sustainable global urbanization. A win-win-win concept for people, nature and society, with a mission for radical urban improvement.


The unique design of OAS1S communities is inspired by the attractive characteristics of forests. These forest-like communities mix trees with tree-like houses in an organic and public, compact and car-free lay-out. Parking (e-car CSO) is at the area fringes, by short and delightful walks through the park people reach their homes. OAS1S is an innovative, top-quality and 100% green building typology, which creates exciting new possibilities: Green communities which upgrade concrete cities, or chameleon-like eco-resorts which harmonize within nature.


OAS1S brings competitive middle-class housing for people who demand high-quality and green living. Thereby OAS1S integrates mixed-use by models for single-family, but also for multi-family housing or eco-resorts. Leisure and commercial uses can be integrated on ground level, covered by green roofs with tree-like units on top. The urban density is high with maximum 100 houses per hectare (Floor Area Ratio 1.0) and a double land-use as park.


Identical to trees OAS1S units consist of wood and leaves, collect sun and water, plus provide oxygen, shelter and food. The simple, smart, and sustainable architecture of OAS1S uses feasible, available and proven techniques. The constructions are C2C, prefabricated of recycled wood, organic HQ insulation, green walls and triple glazing. The technical installations are off-grid, 100% self-sufficient with energy, water plus waste, and consist of: Solar panels and boilers, water and air heath pumps, water and heath storage, grey water and filtration systems.


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