This Artist Uses Emojis To Create Images Of Female Nipples So She Can Bypass Instagram’s Ban On Nudity – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Artist Uses Emojis To Create Images Of Female Nipples So She Can Bypass Instagram’s Ban On Nudity

Instagram’s conditions of use make point of saying that they don’t allow nudity on Instagram, though nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures are OK, and male nipples totally surpass this ruling.

There has been a lot of backlash to this, however one woman has taken her fight for equality to a new level. The artist, a 22-year-old student at London’s Central St Martins, Camila Gonzalez Corea is taking a stance against the ridiculously outdated social norms. The artist has created a movement called The Nipple Act where she takes photographs of female nipples and transforms them into works of art using emojis.

“I’ve started a new project which acts as a protest within Instagram; it evolves through your submissions, and it would be amazing to get your support!

The project Is called The Nipple Act and it consists of an instagram account which turns photographs of females breasts into images consisting purely of emojis. The intention is to protest against Instagram’s sexist terms of use, which allows male nipples to be published on the platform, but bans the posting of female nipples. By transforming images of nipples into a flurry of emojis, these new images are unable to be immediately banned from the platform. The aim of this project is to promote the normalisation and de-fetishisation of the female nipple.”

More info: Instagram, Tumblr (h/t: lostateminor)

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