Nickelodeon Turned SpongeBob Memes Into The Greatest Toys Ever Made – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Nickelodeon Turned SpongeBob Memes Into The Greatest Toys Ever Made

It’s official. Nickelodeon’s new SpongeBob SquarePants meme figures are the greatest toys ever made. Or, if you prefer, SpoNgEboB MEme FigUReS ArE tHe GrEaTeSt ToYs EvEr MaDe.

The aptly titled SpongeBob SquarePants Masterpiece Memes collection of 8-inch figures includes the following characters: Mocking SpongeBob, Surprised Patrick, Handsome Squidward (with open and closed eye versions), Imaginaaation SpongeBob, and SpongeGar. You can order them right here on Amazon, though they are all in backorder at the time of writing – except Mocking SpongeBob, which is completely sold out.

More: Amazon h/t: comicbook