Beautiful Photos Of John Lennon With His First Wife Cynthia At Their Home In 1965 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Beautiful Photos Of John Lennon With His First Wife Cynthia At Their Home In 1965

After a college party to celebrate the end of term, John Lennon asked Cynthia Powell if she would like to “go out” with him. She quickly replied that she was engaged to a young man in Hoylake; he replied, “I didn’t ask you to marry me, did I?” He later approached her and asked if she would go to the Ye Cracke pub. She was confused when he ignored her all evening, but eventually invited her into the group with a joke.


They began dating, with Lennon now referring to her as “Cyn”. In the autumn of 1958, she ended her engagement to be with him, and he ended his relationship with another art student, Thelma Pickles.

Powell and Lennon were married on 23 August 1962 at the Mount Pleasant Register office in Liverpool. Lennon was 21 years old, and Powell 22.

British photographer Robert Whitaker took these lovely photos of John Lennon and his first wife Cynthia at their home, Kenwood in Weybridge, Surrey, 1965.