IKEA Tarot Cards Predict The Future Using Famous Flatpack Illustrations
Ikea is a place of transition, a journey, a source of light and comfort, but also strife. Ikea contains the universe. Harness that power to understand your own life with these cleanly designed Ikea themed tarot cards. They’ll go great sitting on your BILLY bookcase or on the table next to your MALM bedframe. The deck contains the four suits of the minor arcana: sofas, lamps, dowels, and allen keys as well as a full set of major arcana.
Like any good set of symbols, a tarot deck can be read in infinite ways. Do whatever works for you. You can always just look at the cards, and see what they make you think. But to aid you on your journey here is one way to read it.
More: IKEA Tarot, Etsy