Artist Creates Remarkable Sculptures From Driftwood He Found On The Beach – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Creates Remarkable Sculptures From Driftwood He Found On The Beach

Hungarian artist Tamas Kanya is best-known for his creations made of driftwood and pebble stones. Living near the Romai-beach in Budapest, the capital city of Hungary, the artist got inspired to make sculptures out of pieces of wood that washed ashore.

More: Instagram, Facebook h/t: boredpanda

“All my creations and photos are done on the spot where I source the materials. As soon as I have some free time, I find myself creating something new. It’s a joy to be able to go down to the river and bring to life what everyone else would just consider trash,” the artist wrote on Bored Panda and added that he has always enjoyed creating ‘things’ out of random stuff he would find.

“Over the years, I have done many, many of these sculptures – each one with a unique ‘storyline’ of its own, that started long before the tree has fallen,” Kanya revealed.