A Giant Red Fox By Artist Florentijn Hofman Towers Over Rotterdam – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

A Giant Red Fox By Artist Florentijn Hofman Towers Over Rotterdam

As part of a larger body of sculptural essays, Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman introduces a monumental ‘Bospolder Fox’ to the urban fabric of Rotterdam.

Gripping a plastic bag in its jaws, the 16-meter-long animal towers overhead a congested intersection which separates the neighborhoods of Bospolder and Tussendijken — an area of the city where, in the evening, foxes are commonly seen. With the enormous public artwork, the artist suggests a clash between the two realms of the city and nature. Hofman supposes that because many inhabitants of Rotterdam come from elsewhere, the city must therefore keep its gates open to nature, to newcomers, and to new perspectives.

More: Instagram h/t: designboom, colossal

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