Accidentally Brilliant Shots By Edas Won » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Accidentally Brilliant Shots By Edas Won – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Accidentally Brilliant Shots By Edas Won

There’s a saying that if you let a monkey write random stuff, eventually it will write Shakespeare’s Hamlet. If you transfer the analogy to photography, it would be something like this: if you see tons of random stuff, you’ll eventually see something that might look intentional, sublime, and even brilliant.

While most photographers rely on perfect planning of their shots, others, like Edas Wong, just trust their luck and instinct. He just roams the streets and tries to find something that might catch his eye. Even though his shots could be called “accidental,” they’re no less brilliant. It just blows my mind how a lucky perspective can create a metaphor, a juxtaposition, and can flow like visual poetry. It just goes to show that some things are best left in the hands of fortune.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda