Sarcastic ‘Texts From Your Existentialist’ That Might Make You Laugh, Then Cry – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Sarcastic ‘Texts From Your Existentialist’ That Might Make You Laugh, Then Cry

This Instagram account with over 500k followers named “Texts From Your Existentialist” mashes up classical art and modern-day quotes depicting various sarcastic and even downright ridiculous scenarios. The main idea behind the account is to insert 21st-century text messages into classical paintings, movie stills, and retro art.

April Eileen Henry is a poet who lives in Los Angeles. She created this project back in 2014, and Bored Panda reached out to her to find out a little bit more.

“One day I didn’t get a text back and started texting myself things I’d say to them. My art history background informed my muses. All the French existential thinkers sitting at Cafe de Flore in Paris inspired me.”

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

The page first started out with a Tumblr page and then grew and shifted into an Instagram page as well. As of now, the “Texts From Your Existentialist” has a racking number of half a million followers with an average post reaching over 10k likes and more. The page’s owner April also has a website too.

“Texts From Your Existentialist” often depicts sarcastic and demotivational texts on classical art and movie stills. You can even find juxtaposed pieces of famous artists such as Vincent van Gogh, Hilma af Klint, and even movie scenes that include the old Hollywood actresses such as Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, and many others.

“Texts From Your Existentialist” also sells merchandise, the most popular thing being prints. Because who wouldn’t want a hilarious, yet sad quote that they could proudly put on their desk or on a wall? Talk about having something weird but equally artistic and unique in your house. Although, having such prints hanging in your house might leave some of the guests with more questions rather than answers.

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