30 Drawings That Will Hopefully Inspire You To Look On The Bright Side Of Life – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

30 Drawings That Will Hopefully Inspire You To Look On The Bright Side Of Life

According to Paul McAdams: “I’ve been an educator for most of my life, starting as a volunteer math teacher in Africa many years ago, then a human rights educator working primarily in Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, and Asia. For the past 11 years, I’ve been an independent consultant and supported governments and international organizations in promoting human rights education and diversity & inclusion, as well as facilitated workshops to train other facilitators.

When I was 10, I came across a trove of drawings and paintings my father created when he was younger, and these inspired me to explore my own creative talents. He passed away when I was much younger, so I examined his work and became a self-taught artist.

I created an introspective character several years ago who quietly contemplated signs he would see—some obvious, others less so—that encouraged him to look on the bright side of life.

I’ve drawn him occasionally over the years, but since the start of 2022, I’ve had my beloved character face new signs and situations every day, and hopefully, I can continue creating a drawing a day as long as he inspires me (and hopefully others).”

More: Paul McAdams, Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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