Exploring the Concept of Historical Figures Taking Selfies with Modern Mobile Phones
Martin Luther King Jr.
Ever thought about how historical figures would have used our modern mobile phones? Would they have been selfie enthusiasts? Graphic designer Jyo John Mulloor (previously featured) explored this fascinating concept by blending AI and Photoshop to create an enthralling series of images featuring famous figures taking selfies.
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Neil Armstrong
The likes of Martin Luther King Jr., Neil Armstrong, and William Shakespeare have been reimagined in a contemporary setting, giving us a glimpse into what they might have looked like had they captured a selfie during their era. Take a look at some of Jyo’s most captivating depictions below and witness history in a completely new way.
William Shakespeare
According to Jyo, “While going through my old hard drive, I came across a treasure trove of memories in the form of selfies sent to me by friends from my past. I painstakingly restored each one using Photoshop, reliving cherished moments and rekindling old friendships.”
Jesus And His 12 Apostles
Albert Einstein
Genghis Khan
Charlie Chaplin
Elvis Presley
Bob Marley
Mother Teresa
Marilyn Monroe
Julius Caesar
King Arthur
Robin Hood
Abraham Lincoln
Nikola Tesla
Mahatma Gandhi
Dana Wynter
Nelson Mandela
Winston Churchill
Alexander The Great
John F. Kennedy