The Meowfia: Funniest AI-generated Images Of The Cat Street Gangs » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
The Meowfia: Funniest AI-generated Images Of The Cat Street Gangs – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

The Meowfia: Funniest AI-generated Images Of The Cat Street Gangs

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These mafia cats live unique lives on the streets, dealing in anything from catnip to pigeon combat.

We have a peek at an other universe where vicious cat street gangs rule major American cities, thanks to the powerful powers of artificial intelligence. The Napping Nuisances, The Yarn Bandits, The Tuna Terrors, The Litter-ary Gang, The Naptime Ninjas, and, of course, The Meowfia are some suggestions for cat gang names.

h/t: sadanduseless

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