Matthew Mazzotta’s Flamingo Sculptures Inspire Florida’s Voters and Raising Awareness – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Matthew Mazzotta’s Flamingo Sculptures Inspire Florida’s Voters and Raising Awareness

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In Palm Beach County, artist Matthew Mazzotta created “VOTE!”—a sculpture featuring oversized flamingos casting ballots.

Installed at the Supervisor of Elections building, it emphasizes the importance of voting for all, including the environment and wildlife impacted by policy. This playful yet impactful artwork highlights individuality in the democratic process, showing each flamingo expressing its unique voting stance. Through bright colors and whimsical design, Mazzotta hopes to make voting more engaging and accessible. The project also underscores Florida’s biodiversity, linking civic duty to environmental care.

More: Matthew Mazzotta h/t: boredpanda

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