1970s – Page 7 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Dreamy Photographs Of Young Women Taken By David Hamilton From The 1970s

David Hamilton (1933–2016) was a British photographer, who grew up in London. His schooling was interrupted by World War II. As an evacuee, he spent some time in the countryside of Dorset, which inspired his work. After the war, Hamilton returned to London and finished school before moving to France where he has lived ever since. Continue reading »

25 Rare And Cool Polaroid Prints Of Teen Girls In The 1970s

The 1970s were a party, full of exploration without explanation. They were all about discovery. Continue reading »

Fascinating Black And White Photos Capture Street Scenes Of Kyoto, Japan In 1974

Kyoto is the capital city of Kyoto Prefecture in Japan. Located in the Kansai region on the island of Honshu, it forms a part of the Keihanshin metropolitan area along with Osaka and Kobe. Continue reading »

Breathtaking Color Photographs Of The American South Taken By William Eggleston In The Late 1960s And Early 1970s

Until the 1970s, color photography was considered inappropriate for the artwork. Only black and white photographs met the standards of art critics. But then came William Eggleston and showed that color images can have a place in modern art. The colors in Eggleston’s photos are saturated and intense, the characters pose in front of the camera, and traditional ideas about photographic composition are abandoned. Continue reading »

Tenement Kids And The City – Glasgow In 1975

“All of these photos were taken on a weekend return from art college to visit my parents in the east end of Glasgow in 1975,” says John J Brady. “I obviously hadn’t mastered the camera and light meter combo that I’d borrowed from the college and the original negatives are in a poor state. But the images capture a place in time.” Continue reading »

Photographer Took Photos Of Strangers In The 1970s, And When 20 Years Passed, He Set Out To Find Them Again

Daniel Meadows

Daniel Meadows is a pioneer of contemporary British documentary practice. His photographs and audio recordings, made over forty-five years, capture the life of England’s `great ordinary’. Challenging the status quo by working collaboratively, he has fashioned from his many encounters a nation’s story both magical and familiar. Continue reading »

Striking Black And White Photographs Of New York City’s ‘Mean Streets’ In The 1970s And 1980s

Renowned photographer Edward Grazda began his career in that version of NYC. The black and white photos in Mean Streets offer a look at that desolate era captured with the deliberate and elegant eye that propelled Grazda to further success. It’s a version of New York that has been all but scrubbed clean in the financially solvent years that have followed, but the character of the city has been indelibly marked by the scars of those years. Continue reading »

Beautiful Black And White Photos Of A 18-Year-Old Madonna Taken By Cecil Taylor In 1977

On May 3, 1977, photographer Cecil I. Taylor took these beautiful photos of Madonna at the Art Worlds Institute of Creative Arts in Ann Arbor, Michigan, before she moved to New York City. Continue reading »

Photographs Of ‘El Segundo Barrio’ Of El Paso In 1972 By Danny Lyon

Documerica was a program sponsored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to “photographically document subjects of environmental concern” in the United States from about 1972 to 1977. These particular photos shot in Kodachrome by Danny Lyon are all of El Paso and in particular the Second Ward which was described as a classic ‘Barrio’ on the Mexican border. Continue reading »

Concepts From Future Past: 1970 Ferrari Modulo 512

The Ferrari Modulo 512 was first seen at the Geneva Motor Show in 1970 but was designed a couple years earlier by Paolo Martin. Built on top of a chassis from a Ferrari 512 racer and with a design coming out of Pinanfarina, the Modulo certainly has an impressive pedigree and left its mark on the automotive world. Continue reading »

Сontroversial Portrait Photos Of Jane Birkin And Serge Gainsbourg In The 1970s

Jane Birkin met Serge Gainsbourg on the set of Slogan in 1968 and had a passionate and creative relationship with him. A relationship lasted 13 years. They never married, despite rumours and misreporting to the contrary. Continue reading »

Debbie Harry Photographed By Chris Stein For Punk Magazine Centerfold Shoot, 1976

A few decades ago, up-and-coming punk-pop star Debbie Harry had a photographer on hand to chronicle her every move – her friend, bandmate and lover Chris Stein. Continue reading »

Amazing Photos Of 1974 Lamborghini Bravo Concept, The Dream-Car That Never Made It Into Production

Lamborghini Bravo – Bertone design you can’t buy, Why? Because only two have been made in 1974. The Lamborghini Bravo was not just a concept car designed by Marcello Gandini at Bertone for Lamborghini, but also a fully functional pre-production prototype. Continue reading »

Photos Of Tokyo In The 1970s Seen Through The Eyes Of A Canadian Who Moved There At The Time

Two School Girls, 1979

After arriving in Tokyo in the 1970s for what had to be a short trip, Greg Girard instantly made up his mind to stay there. The photographer got a part-time gig working as an English teacher, giving him plenty of time to explore the city with his camera. Renting a darkroom and making black and white prints, and sending his slide film to a commercial processing lab, his pictures from this period remained largely unseen until The Magenta Foundation put them together into a book called ‘Tokyo-Yokosuka 1976-1983’. Continue reading »

Remembering The Mod Top: Amazing Flower Powered Top Car Designs From The 1960s And 1970s

Back around 1966, Sixties counter-culture iconography was being injected into the everyday, infusing society with a collision of postmodern DayGlo colors, earth tones and psychedelically styled designs. And flowers–lots and lots of flowers. Most of these floral designs may have been a bit too loud on a Formica counter or trusty old Thermos, yet one particular print looked right at home on the top of a car. Counterculture became mainstream. Continue reading »

Cool Old Photos Show What School Looked Like In The 1970s

School was different back in the ’70s. Students focussed on the basics.. reading, writing, and mathematics. They also learned how to write longhand, and some of them took great pride in their “penmanship”. Continue reading »

Vintage Adverts Of Hair Necessities For Men From The 1970s

Whilst the world of ladies’ grooming and hair care products seems to be constantly evolving and presenting new and ever more challenging products the main thing us chaps need to worry about according to the magazine and newspaper advertising is er, dandruff. Now call us old stick in the muds but we reckon that whilst products (and the marketing therein) for the fairer sex have improved beyond comparison we seem to have got a bum deal. In fact we would argue that things have in fact moved backwards. Continue reading »

1970s: The Most Romantic And Bizarre Period For Men’s Hairstyles

Men’s hair in the 1970s was a joy to behold. Hairstyling and grooming was no longer simply for women – hair products were now marketed to men, and many happily used them. Mustaches and mutton chops were in, even fake facial hair was worn and accepted. It was a hairy decade! Continue reading »

Miracle Black & White Photos Of A Desolate And Deserted London From 1977

These fascinating photos were taken by John Goodman an Australian who made two trips to UK in the mid 1970s.

These fascinating photos were taken by John Goodman an Australian who made two trips to UK in the mid 1970s. While in, as he puts it, ‘my raw early 20s’ – he pursued his interests in such things as Industrial Archaeology, science – ‘I joined the Quekett Microscopical Club (you might have to look that one up) in London – still a member of it’. John now lives back in Melbourne. Continue reading »

A Day At Mission Beach, California, August 1970

Mission Beach (the beach) is a long wide sandy beach in the Mission Beach area of San Diego. It is a laid-back neighborhood whose namesake sands attract surfers, sunbathers and volleyball players. A paved path curls around Mission Bay, a popular spot for water sports. Continue reading »

Rare And Beautiful Photos Of 18-Year-Old Freshman Madonna At The University of Michigan In 1976

Before Madonna donned that iconic conical bra and wore a rosary around her neck because she said she liked the feeling of a naked man between her bosom, Madonna Louise Ciccone was actually looking pretty sweet. Here’s a collection of rare and beautiful photos of a young Madonna at age 18 taken by Peter Kentes in 1976. Continue reading »

Selfies From The Past: Celebrating A Birmingham Community’s Selfies From 40 Years Ago

Derek Bishton/Brian Homer/John Reardon/Handsworth Self Portrait Project

A 1979 photography project asked passers-by to take snaps of themselves using a makeshift studio built on a street in a multicultural Birmingham suburb. A new exhibition of the Handsworth Self Portrait images showcases how people interacted with the idea of the ‘selfie’ 40 years ago. Continue reading »

Technicians At The Government Of Alberta Dairy And Food Canada Laboratory In 1970s

Technicians at the Government of Alberta Dairy and Food Canada Laboratory help entrepreneurs develop their products. We don’t know the names of the lab-coated ‘boffins’ in these portraits from June 1970. We’d like to. Is that you. What were you doing and why? Continue reading »

Yarnvertising: DIY Fashion Adverts Of The 1970s

People don’t appreciate these days the level of DIY fashion in the 1960s and 1970s. Women back then knew how to sew and magically make stuff out of balls of yarn – it was almost a required skill. Then, seemingly overnight, it became a lost art… Continue reading »

Chevy Vega And The Vert-A-Pac Rail System In The 1970s

When Chevrolet started designing ‘Vega’ during the 1970s, one of the main objectives was to keep the cost of the car down around $2,000 in circa-1970 dollars. Continue reading »