Alien Muppets Horror: Bulgarian Artists Create Super Stunning Xenomorph Kermit
“Introducing the ultimate crossover figurine – a unique fusion of two iconic characters, the Xenomorph and Kermit the Frog! This stunning 3D-printed resin model stands at approximately 12cm tall, featuring a body from Kermit, the head of the Xenomorph, and the Xenomorph’s tail weapon designed to look like the head of Kermit. Continue reading »
Beautiful Colorful Layered Paper Illustrations By Sarah Capon
Australian illustrator Sarah Capon uses layered paper to create complex drawings. To create her illustrations, she cuts and lays each paper to perfection. Her work is charming and captures ordinary beauty in a unique way. Continue reading »
Environmental Fantasy Digital Artworks of Ben J
Ben J, is a digital artist. He creates a compelling and narrative rich atmosphere that keeps the audience stimulated. He specializes on the fantasy art, especially on the lands and the landscapes that create almost a movie effect. Continue reading »
The Superb Horror and Fantasy Artworks of Vladimir Matyukhin
Vladimir Matyukhin is a Russian digital artist known for his digital matte painting and concept art, particularly in the fields of horror, science fiction and fantasy. Continue reading »
Fantastic Bottle Cap Portraits by Jeffrey A. Meszaros
In 2008, a young bartender named Jeffrey A. Meszaro was struck by the vibrant colors he discarded with every beer bottle he opened. Continue reading »
BKID’s Minimalist ‘Happy Face’ Magnets for Dongdaemun Design Plaza Anniversary
South Korean studio BKID designed an engaging modular set of magnets to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP), a prominent urban landmark in Seoul. Continue reading »
The Superb Tulle Sculptures by Benjamin Shine
Benjamin Shine, a British artist, makes intriguing sculptures and art installations with a unique material. Continue reading »
Forbidden Toys: Digital Artist “Creates” Bizarre Toys That Were Never Made
Rosemberg, a digital artist from Spain, has created a project on Instagram called “Forbidden Toys.” Continue reading »
The Superb Minimalistic Lineart Illustrations by Andrea Minini
Italian artist Andrea Minini crafts intricate and detailed visuals that masterfully convey depth through simple lines. Continue reading »
Stunning Streetart Pieces and Murals by Helio Bray
Helio Bray, a Portuguese artist, combines graffiti and figurative art to create striking murals and paintings. Growing up distant from urban art scenes, Helio only encountered graffiti when he began creating his own murals, sparking an exceptional artistic journey. He developed a unique style that marked his progression in the art world. Continue reading »
Stunning Examples of How Victorian Photographers “Retouched” Their Photographs
When it comes to photography, image alteration has long been prevalent. It is more than just a humorous reference to the past; a genuine airbrush was regularly employed on prints long before digital photography was even a glimmer in our eyes. The airbrush tool is more than just a fanciful reference to the past. Continue reading »
Realistic Paintings by Tomona Matsukawa Take Fragments of Everyday Life and Reconstruct Them
The realistic and somewhat theatrical oil paintings of Kyoto-based artist Tomona Matsukawa are inspired by interactions with other women of her generation, frequently strangers. The artist uses startling statements or unforgettable conversation events to inspire her subject matter and title. Continue reading »
Confectioner Combines Desserts With Miniature People To Create These Fun Scenarios
Matteo Stucchi is an Italian professional confectioner that makes desserts in style – he believes that the aesthetics of food are as important as its flavor. Continue reading »
19-Year-Old Artist Takes Self Portraits To Create These Surreal Compositions
Alexandra Chertulova, who is also known by an artist’s name Rayda Ealvay, is a 19-year-old self-taught photographer, retoucher and artist from Perm, Russia. She’s constantly surprising her more than 10k followers on Instagram with her dreamlike photo manipulations that she creates using Photoshop. Continue reading »
Designer Challenges Himself To Create Logos With Hidden Meanings For A Year
Wordplay is a never-ending source of amusement for me, with puns, spoonerisms and double entendres bringing a little extra color and life to the everyday language that we sometimes take for granted. Continue reading »
Engineers And Architects Create A Carbon Neutral Modular Hotel Made From Concrete Pods
Engineers from WSP are working with architects at Innovation Imperative to create a carbon neutral modular hotel made from groups of concrete pods. Continue reading »
Hong Kong Students Create Amazing Chalk Drawings On Classroom Blackboard
Illusdreamer is a group of a few students from Senegal High School in Hong Kong who hold an incredible talent for temporary art. They use colorful chalk to create huge artworks on chalkboards, and it’s simply amazing how good they look. Continue reading »
52-Year-Old Filipino Driver Uses Aluminum Wires To Create Amazing Works Of Art
People in the Philippines were uniquely talented and able to create something different coming out from their own ideas. Some Filipinos have also the expertise in creating weird, unique, and amazing handicrafts, which will surely attract people’s attention. Continue reading »
This Rug Is Designed To Create An Optical Illusion That Looks Like There’s A Hole In The Floor
Scottish designer Scott Jarvie, has created the Void Rug, a 100% merino wool floor rug that when placed on the floor and viewed from a certain angle, it gives an illusion of depth. Continue reading »
“The Uncomfortable”: Designer Create A Series Of Inconvenient Household Items
“The Uncomfortable” is a series of impractical household objects by Athens-based architect Katerina Kamprani. Continue reading »
Photographer Philippe Echaroux Used A McDonald’s Big Mac Box To Create Stunning Portraits
French photographer Philippe Echaroux recently decided to challenge himself in the area of shooting portraits of strangers. Instead of using high-end camera equipment, he decided to use an iPhone and light his subjects using a McDonald’s Big Mac box. Continue reading »
Abandoned Sharing-Bikes Create ‘Graveyards’ In China
Approximately 23,000 ride-share bicycles have been rounded up and hauled to 16 temporary parking lots by urban management authorities in East China’s Hangzhou city. Bicycles are taken away due to disorderly parking reported by locals. Bicycle-sharing companies are reluctant to claim them, fearing a fine. Continue reading »
This Artist Uses Emojis To Create Images Of Female Nipples So She Can Bypass Instagram’s Ban On Nudity
Instagram’s conditions of use make point of saying that they don’t allow nudity on Instagram, though nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures are OK, and male nipples totally surpass this ruling. Continue reading »
Innovative Russian Bakery Uses ‘Brushstroke’ Decorations To Create The Most Amazing Cakes
Looking almost too good to eat the cakes of Moscow-based bakery Kalabasa have been setting off a new trend over on Instagram that involves decorating cakes with colourful icing that takes inspiration from one of the art world’s most key elements, the humble brushstroke. Continue reading »