Henry’s Concepts: Adorable Photo Series Directed Entirely by a Two-Year-Old – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Henry’s Concepts: Adorable Photo Series Directed Entirely by a Two-Year-Old

In order to make a little bit of money on the side, Toronto-based portrait and wedding photographer Alex Neary does some nannying, but she probably never expected that her nannying gig would be her ticket to viral photography success.

You see, for the last year and a half, she’s been looking after a ridiculously cute and creative toddler named Henry, who one day decided that he wanted to turn the camera around and photograph Alex for a change. Thus was born the adorable photo series Henry’s Concepts.

It’s really that simple, but the photos that have come out of the project — many of them forcing Neary into funny, contorted, and probably less-than-comfortable positions — have attracted the attention of everyone.

All of the pics are taken on Neary’s iPhone, which causes some issues when shooting indoors, but is probably a better idea than handing Henry a DSLR just yet.

When CNN asked Neary what she thinks Henry is learning from the project, she replied, “I don’t know if he’s learned anything really, but he’s taking interest in taking photos of other things in the location that we’re in. I think it’s starting to bring out an interest in photography. I don’t know if he’ll grow up to be a photographer, but I think he’ll definitely do something creative.”

Henry’s mother, on the other hand, seems certain he’s learning something. Although, as she told CNN, “Ironically, he won’t sit still to take a picture for me.”

Via PetaPixel.