Boiling Water and Below Zero Temperatures – The Simple and Amazing Science Experiment – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Boiling Water and Below Zero Temperatures – The Simple and Amazing Science Experiment

What’s there to do when temperatures top out in the negative teens? Well, you can stay inside dressed warmly with the heat on like a sane person. Or you can go outside with some hot water and throw it in the air. Judging from posts on Facebook, myriad Minnesotans have chosen the latter option.

Taking it to the next level, photographers Dan and Karin Berdal connected their hose to a spigot in their basement so that they could see more than a single mug’s worth of water freezing midair. They turned the water on hot and sprayed it into the -20 degree air, shooting awesome little ice comets with steam tails all over the backyard and capturing it with their camera…

Credits: 22 Words.