No More Nightmares: Kids Show Monsters who’s Boss! – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

No More Nightmares: Kids Show Monsters who’s Boss!

Every child fears the monsters lurking under his or her bed as soon as the lights turn off. But now Paris-based photographer, Laure Fauvel, is helping kids battle those scary, hairy and creepy ghouls one nightmare at a time. “I wanted to show the nightmares in a different way, with children fighting fears and not being victims”, Fauvel, 22, said. (Don’t worry. No monsters were hurt during the making of these photos, Fauvel assured).

Christo fights a monster with a “gun” in his bedroom in Laure Fauvel’s “Terreurs”, 2014, in Paris, France. An imaginative photographer has brought to life monsters that haunt children’s nightmares. Armed with sticks, wands and swords the eight and nine year-olds appear to be getting the upper-hand against the villains. Parisian photographer Laure Fauvel, 22, said: I wanted the children not be victims and to fight the monsters. (Photo by Laure Fauvel/Barcroft Media)

Salome fights a monster with a “sword” in her bedroom in Laure Fauvel’s “Terreurs”, 2014, in Paris, France. (Photo by Laure Fauvel/Barcroft Media)

Sixtine fights a monster in her bedroom in Laure Fauvel’s “Terreurs”, 2014, in Paris, France. (Photo by Laure Fauvel/Barcroft Media)

Oscar fights a monster with a “sword” in his bedroom in Laure Fauvel’s “Terreurs”, 2014, in Paris, France. (Photo by Laure Fauvel/Barcroft Media)

Diego fights a monster with a “gun” in his bedroom in Laure Fauvel’s “Terreurs”, 2014, in Paris, France. (Photo by Laure Fauvel/Barcroft Media)

Charlotte fights a monster with a “wand” in her bedroom in Laure Fauvel’s “Terreurs”, 2014, in Paris, France. (Photo by Laure Fauvel/Barcroft Media)