This Woman Painted Her Staircase To Look Like Books And It’s Amazing – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Woman Painted Her Staircase To Look Like Books And It’s Amazing

Image courtesy of Philippa Branham

Pippa Branham considers herself crafty, but she recently put her DIY skills to the test by transforming her plain old staircase into a veritable masterpiece. Branham and her family moved into their first permanent home in the UK last year, which meant she finally had a chance to make her mark with a one-of-a-kind home improvement project.

h/t: buzzfeed

Image courtesy of Philippa Branham

“For the first time ever, I was allowed to really personalize my so I wanted to do something different,” Branham told BuzzFeed. She found a picture showing stairs painted to look like books on Pinterest, and set her mind on making it happen. “It was just an image I saw,” she added. “There were no tutorials or instructions,” so much of it was up to her imagination.

Image courtesy of Philippa Branham

Her imagination served her well. Branham painted 13 stairs to look like her and her husband Jonathan’s favorite books, and the finished product is incredible.

Image courtesy of Philippa Branham

Image courtesy of Philippa Branham

Image courtesy of Philippa Branham

Image courtesy of Philippa Branham