“I Saw A Lady Weighing Her Boob” – Strangest Things Seen Through Home Windows » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
“I Saw A Lady Weighing Her Boob” – Strangest Things Seen Through Home Windows – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

“I Saw A Lady Weighing Her Boob” – Strangest Things Seen Through Home Windows


“My neighbour is completely obsessed with Justin Bieber. It’s actually a little bit odd. Apart from the posters all over the wall, I’ve even seen her sitting on her sofa with a life-size cut-out of him. Gives me the creeps!”

More info: English Blinds, Paul Blow (h/t: creativedigest)

New research conducted by window blind manufacturer, English Blinds, reveals the most bizarre scenes customers had seen through a window. Old men with owls on their heads, postmen using the garden as a toilet and grown men dressed as dogs were some of the strangest things seen by us Brits.


“The best thing I’ve ever seen through a window was when I saw a lady weighing a single boob on a set of kitchen scales. Not sure what recipe it was for!”

John Moss, Managing Director or English Blinds, said: “We pride ourselves on our window furnishings here at English Blinds, and privacy is one of the top reasons that our customers get in touch with us for a set of blinds or a pair of curtains. With that in mind, we thought we’d ask our customers about their privacy and inquire as to whether they’d ever come across anything strange.”


“I work as a window cleaner so I often see into people’s homes while I’m working – it’s hard to avoid. The strangest thing I’ve ever seen was an old lady eating dinner at a table completely surrounded by her cats, who were also eating dinner.”

“Frankly, we didn’t expect such hilarious results – it’s so interesting to see what people view through the average UK window. We have been lucky enough to work with acclaimed illustrator, Paul Blow, to help us share the strangeness by illustrating some of the odd situations that neighbours found themselves in,” he added.


“My neighbour is a bit of an eccentric man. I always knew he kept owls, but I didn’t know they lived in his house with him until I spotted him eating breakfast one morning with a large owl perched on top of his head. The best part was he looked quite unfazed by the whole thing.”


“I can hear my gate open and close from my bedroom, and I notice it most in the mornings when the postman comes. Strange thing was, sometimes I’d hear the gate open but I wouldn’t receive any post.

Well, one morning I was up and about earlier than usual when I heard the gate go – I then saw that my postman had taken to using my garden as his personal toilet stop. I knocked on the window and waved, and since then I only ever hear the gate open when I get post!”


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