When Pin-Ups Meet Harry Potter Cosplay – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

When Pin-Ups Meet Harry Potter Cosplay

Ginny Di/Josh Randall

In this creative photoshoot, Ginny Di pays tribute to Gil Elvgren’s iconic pin-up art and Harry Potter in one fell swoop. Shot with the same pose and backdrop as iconic pin-up pieces, these mashups are perfectly spell-binding. Ginny Di is a well-known cosplayer who runs a Facebook page full of her awesome creations. She makes costumes for everything from Disney to Game of Thrones and Harry Potter.

More info: Facebook (h/t: kotaku, sobadsogood)

Ginny Di/Josh Randall

Ginny Di/Josh Randall

Ginny Di/Josh Randall

Ginny Di/Josh Randall

Ginny Di/Josh Randall

Ginny Di/Josh Randall

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