Brazilian Photographer Camila Fontenele De Miranda Transforms Strangers Into Frida Kahlo – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Brazilian Photographer Camila Fontenele De Miranda Transforms Strangers Into Frida Kahlo

Brazilian photographer Camila Fontenele de Miranda has always felt a sense of connection between herself and legendary Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.

Kahlo is famous for her painfully honest self portraits as well as her colorful, Mexican folk-influenced fashion sense. In fact, her floral headdresses, bright shawls, and of course, her unibrow—were recently replicated by 1,000 fans at the Dallas Museum of Art in celebration of the painter’s 110th birthday.

“Frida Kahlo showed me the possibility of dreaming and being strong. Even when she was keeping so much pain inside she still used vibrant colors in her paintings and clothes as a string of hope,” Fontenele told DesignTAXI.

More info: Camila Fontenele De Miranda, Facebook, Instagram (h/t: designtaxi)

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