Concept Artist Paul Chadeisson Reveals His Sinister And Industrialised Vision Of The Cities’ Futures – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Concept Artist Paul Chadeisson Reveals His Sinister And Industrialised Vision Of The Cities’ Futures

Futuristic cityscapes featuring soaring skyscrapers, flying cars and all-seeing video screens are popular features of sci-fi films. And now one artist has imagined how that reality would affect Paris and New York in less than a century. Gone are Paris’ breezy boulevards and grand open spaces and New York’s elegant Art Deco buildings. Instead grimy streets are lined by sinister ‘atmosphere-scraper’ buildings, while the cities’ inhabitants live in cramped conditions.

Paul Chadeisson is a freelance concept artist and art director based in Paris, France. Paul has worked on video game titles such as Blade Runner 2049, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Final Fantasy XV, Strike Vector and Remember Me.

More info: Paul Chadeisson, Artstation, Facebook, Instagram, Behance

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