Artist Created A Fashion Collection Made Entirely Of Washed Up Trash Found On The Beach – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Created A Fashion Collection Made Entirely Of Washed Up Trash Found On The Beach

According to an artist Marina DeBris: “This haute mess was created in an effort to raise awareness about the massive amount of waste that is ending up in our oceans. All of these garments were made from litter that I picked up off the beaches of Los Angeles & Sydney, Australia.

I teamed up with Photographer Lisa Bevis, hair stylist Nina Paskowitz & makeup artist Andrew Shulman. Lisa shot these in a recycling center, while rats scurried through the piles of garbage. Unfortunately, none of them stayed still long enough to be in the shots! Models Kelli Kickham & Aria Love braved the broken glass, rats, stench & uncomfortable outfits to tell the story. Photos by Lisa Bevis.”

More: Marina DeBris, Instagram, Facebook h/t:” boredpanda