Runner Uses The Streets Of San Francisco As His Canvas, Maps Out Artistic Designs With His Routes – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Runner Uses The Streets Of San Francisco As His Canvas, Maps Out Artistic Designs With His Routes

Jogging is a truly healthy activity for both physical and mental health; we all know this already. For some people, it comes naturally. For others, it’s either a struggle not worth contemplating or just a little, well, boring.

Without a jogging buddy or any element of competition, how do you spice up your runs? Well, there are now plenty of apps that you can download, that keep track of things like speed, distance, heart rate, calories burned and even challenges against other users to keep you motivated.

More: Facebook h/t: boredpanda

San Franciscan Lenny Maughan doesn’t have any problems with motivation though, he loves to run! He uses the social fitness app Strava to create amazing pieces of ‘running art;’ carefully planning his route beforehand to run in the pattern of a certain image with the streets of San Fran as his canvas.

“You can’t see the lines drawn until after you finish your run,” Lenny told SFGATE. “So it’s such a joyful feeling when you put in all of that work and you finally finish and get to see what you envisioned at the end.”

Lenny has been doing his running art for over 3 years now and has created 30 unique designs. Far from the stereotypical image of an artist sitting patiently at an easel for days on end, painstakingly applying the gentlest of brush strokes, this very modern type of art is as exhausting physically as it is mentally!